Archive | December, 2009

The New Climate Litigation

How about if we sue you for breathing? Wall Street Journal Editorial Fresh from the fiasco in Copenhagen and with a failure in the U.S. Senate looming this coming year, the climate-change lobby is already shifting to Plan B, or is it already Plan D? Meet the carbon tort. Across the country, trial lawyers and […]

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Plan to turn farms into forest worries Obama official

By Edward Felker Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has ordered his staff to revise a computerized forecasting model that showed that climate legislation supported by President Obama would make planting trees more lucrative than producing food. The latest Agriculture Department economic-impact study of the climate bill, which passed the House this summer, found that the legislation […]

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Clouds, Not CO2, Responsible for Climate Change

This 53-minute documentary offers an alternative explanation for climate change that is based upon a relationship between cosmic rays, the sun and the earth’s clouds. Because the findings contridicted the so-called “scientific consensus” that CO2 was responsible for climate change, the author of this study was unable to get his work published in a scientific journal.  […]

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Some Christmas Cheer from the North Pole

This video is part 2 of a three parts posted on YouTube. The origin is Build-A-Bear‘s online video game for kids. If you feel like contacting them, Here’s an email address: Update: I emailed Build-a-Bear to register my disgust with this insidious series of scare-mongering videos and received the following response (be sure to click […]

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Study suggests CFCs, cosmic rays (not CO2) are major culprits for global warming

GCS Editor: We’re not entirely convinced of the CFC angle – it’s never been proven that the ozone hole (which we now know comes and goes) was affected by CFCs, but the cosmic ray theory makes sense. By John Morris, Waterloo University Cosmic rays and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), both already implicated in depleting the Earth’s ozone […]

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The Party's Over

From Slate Magazine COPENHAGEN, Denmark-I’m not sure whether it was the chicken-suited followers of Supreme Master Ching Hai wandering about or the experience of freezing slowly for seven hours as I waited to get into the Bella Center, but something happened in the last 10 days to convince me, once and for all, that the […]

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Carbon-Permit Slide Reflects Copenhagen Disappointment

GCS Editor’s note: This article reveals the true motivation behind the push for a “Copenhagen Protocol.” By Keith Johnson The failure of the United Nations climate summit in Copenhagen to produce a strong, binding agreement to cut carbon-dioxide emissions sowed gloom in European carbon markets Monday, with prices for carbon-emissions permits falling more than 8%. […]

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Assessments of Copenhagen

It is now widely recognised that the misguided Copenhagen Conference was a complete failure. Those political leaders and policy makers who refuse to accept this reality are merely burying their heads in the sand and are forfeiting the trust of the public. –The Global Warming Policy Foundation, 20 December 2009   The world’s political leaders, […]

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The EPA's Power Grab

From the Weekly Standard The climate campaigners play their trump card, but it may turn out to be a joker. By Steven F. Hayward — The climate campaign, built step-by-step over the last 20 years, has reached its Waterloo. The Copenhagen conference that ended Friday was an exercise in political theater. It not only failed […]

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Parturient Montes: Nascetur Ridiculus Mus

From SPPI By Lord Christopher Monckton — The mountains shall labor, and what will be born? A stupid little mouse. Thanks to hundreds of thousands of US citizens who contacted their elected representatives to protest about the unelected, communistic world government with near-infinite powers of taxation, regulation and intervention that was proposed in early drafts of […]

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Is the European police state going global?

By Lord Christopher Monckton Today the gloves came off and the true purpose of the “global warming” scare became nakedly visible. Ugo Chavez, the Socialist president of Venezuela, blamed “global warming” on capitalism – and received a standing ovation from very nearly all of the delegates, lamentably including those from those of the capitalist nations […]

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