By: Alex Newman. It is often said that non-scientists must rely on “expert opinion” to determine whether claims on alleged “catastrophic man-made global warming” are true. Putting aside the fact that there is no global-warming “consensus” among experts, one does not have to be a scientist, or even proficient in science, to be able to review […]
Archive | James Hansen
'Where's the global warming?' Expert says public are growing sceptical of climate change
By: Levi Winchester. THE PUBLIC are becoming ever more sceptical of climate change as they begin to ask ‘where is the global warming we were promised?’, a leading scientist has claimed. This week saw the 18th anniversary since the Earth’s temperature last rose – something that Dr Benny Peiser, from the Global Warming Policy Forum, […]
Scientific Pride and Prejudice
By: MICHAEL SUK-YOUNG CHWE. SCIENCE is in crisis, just when we need it most. Two years ago, C. Glenn Begley and Lee M. Ellis reported in Nature that they were able to replicate only six out of 53 “landmark” cancer studies. Scientists now worry that many published scientific results are simply not true. The natural […]
Global Warming Sky Still Falling, CNN Assures
By Mike Ciandella James Hansen’s been screaming for years that the sky is falling. For years, the Sky has refused to fall. But that’s OK with CNN. CNN ran a story promoting a Washington Post opinion piece written by Hansen, on Aug. 3. Hansen is an outspoken global warming activist, and a director at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. […]
The Corruption of the Temperature Record
Hat-tip to Climate Depot. A couple interesting articles popped up today about tampering with the historical temperature data at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS). It seems that the real, unfudged data shows a steady cooling trend from 1930 to 1999. Have a look a these articles from the Real Science Blog: Why (James) […]
Astronauts Condemn NASA’s Global Warming Endorsement
By Paul Bedard In an unprecedented slap at NASA’s endorsement of global warming science, nearly 50 former astronauts and scientists–including the ex-boss of the Johnson Space Center–claim the agency is on the wrong side of science and must change course or ruin the reputation of the world’s top space agency. Challenging statements from NASA that […]
Warmists: 'We can't win the game, so let's change the rules'
By James Delingpole Willis Eschenbach’s recent guest post at Watts Up With That? on the current state of ‘Climate science’ should be made compulsory reading in every classroom, every university science department, every eco-charity, every environmental NGO and in every branch of government. They won’t like it up ‘em, that’s for sure. What Eschenbach says […]
The Climate Crisis Hoax
By Larry Bell I’ve encountered some folks who appear offended by the title of my new book Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind the Global Warming Hoax. Why do you call it a “hoax”? they ask. Why not refer to the matter as a debate? The reason is quite simple: A debate describes a […]
NASA GISS – Adjusting the Adjustments
By Steve McIntyre I don’t feel hugely energetic right now in terms of writing anything very complicated. As a simple exercise, I decided to quickly revisit the everchanging Hansen adjustments, a topic commented on acidly by E.M. Smith (Chiefio) in many posts – also see his interesting comments in the thread at a guest post […]