Obama administration gives wind farms a pass on eagle deaths, prosecutes oil companies

Published May 14, 2013, Associated Press

CONVERSE COUNTY, Wyo. –  The Obama  administration has never fined or prosecuted a wind farm for killing eagles and  other protected bird species, shielding the industry from liability and helping  keep the scope of the deaths secret, an Associated Press investigation has  found.

More than 573,000 birds are killed by the country’s wind farms each year,  including 83,000 hunting birds such as hawks, falcons and eagles, according to  an estimate published in March in the peer-reviewed Wildlife Society  Bulletin.

Each death is federal crime, a charge that the Obama administration has used  to prosecute oil companies when birds drown in their waste pits, and power  companies when birds are electrocuted by their power lines. No wind energy  company has been prosecuted, even those that repeatedly flout the law.

Read more at Fox News

15 Responses to Obama administration gives wind farms a pass on eagle deaths, prosecutes oil companies

  1. Rob N. Hood May 14, 2013 at 10:57 am #

    Another apples and oranges faux argument. Environmental impact studies are done, and approved, prior to placement of wind farms. Companies are prosecuted when birds are electrocuted?! Doubtful.

  2. Rob N. Hood May 17, 2013 at 8:50 am #

    “What Then Must We Do” new book by Gar Alperovitz

    Acclaimed for his work outlining the development of an alternative cooperative/publicly owned segment of the economy in the United States, in his new book Alperovitz not only demonstrates the failings of actual existing capitalism, but also identifies key struggles and projects that, he argues, show that a different way of organizing life and the economy is not only a great idea, but is in fact already happening.

    • NEILIO May 17, 2013 at 7:50 pm #

      I think the failings of existing capitalism is that it has too many liberal policies arrayed against it.

  3. Dan McGrath May 17, 2013 at 10:12 pm #

    Great article, Neil. Thanks for posting. I saw something about that earlier, but was too swamped with other business to get it up.

    • Neilio May 18, 2013 at 5:21 am #

      Glad to be of service.

  4. Rob N. Hood May 22, 2013 at 9:59 am #

    Yes, thanks for the link.

    “Until this past year, PacifiCorp had failed to use readily available measures to address bird electrocutions in Wyoming – measures that could have saved numerous eagles and other birds. Under the terms of its plea agreement, the company must implement an Avian Protection Plan for the State that will include retrofitting and modernizing its electrical distribution and transmission system to reduce eagle mortalities. “

    • Neilio May 22, 2013 at 5:10 pm #

      So what? You said it was doubtful that “Companies are prosecuted when birds are electrocuted.” And I showed an example of just that happening. Now can you show me an example of a company that has been prosecuted for killing birds with turbine blades? Now that’s doubtful!

  5. Rob N. Hood May 23, 2013 at 9:11 am #

    Key here being they knowingly could have avoided the deaths, and probably neglected certain regulations as well. Whereas the wind generators are complying with the law and regulations. This is very rudimentary and I am disgusted once again to have to explain common sense, but someone has to do it, cuz the Grand Neilio will never.

    • Neilio May 23, 2013 at 3:39 pm #

      No, the key here is that you said it was doubtful that “Companies are prosecuted when birds are electrocuted.” And I showed an example of just that happening. That is all I responded to. The circumstances surrounding individual cases in this instance are irrelevant. You’re trying to make this into a “gotchya” but you are falling flat on your face.
      Your assertion that wind generators are following the law is ridiculous! They’re killing birds! How can you say that they’re following the law, and the law is “DON”T KILL BIRDS”, and they’re killing birds! You can deny that there is a double standard applied to this issue, but you’re only lying to yourself.

  6. Rob N. Hood May 24, 2013 at 7:46 am #

    Look up the word doubtful. I didn’t say impossible, or never. I actually figured there must be at least one example of such a penalty- and then I made my point which you can whine about all you want but it’s a valid one.

    • Neilio May 24, 2013 at 11:13 am #

      Unlikely, improbable. I was just showing that it was not unlikely, or improbable, and had indeed happened. So reality has negated unlikeliness, and improbability.

  7. Rob N. Hood May 24, 2013 at 7:48 am #

    Oh, and so you want MORE regulation and enforcement, for wind farms? Ok, sure, if it’s appropriate and nonbiased. But your side HATES government interference, or so I thought. Nevermind a response- it would be hypocritical gibberish anyway.

    • Neilio May 24, 2013 at 11:09 am #

      There already is a law. The whole point of the story is that the law is being enforced selectively.

  8. NEILIO May 27, 2013 at 5:48 am #


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