The Death of Cap and Tax

harry_reid_official_portrait1Harry Reid’s latest energy bill is designed not to pass

Wall Street Journal Editorial

President Obama’s undeniable success in passing liberal legislation hasn’t translated into greater popularity for himself or the Democratic Congress. So perhaps he’ll get a bump in the polls now that he’s suffered his first setback on one of his signature promises.We refer to the failure of cap and tax, which Mr. Obama once modestly promised would signal “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid gave the plan, if not the planet, up for dead this month, and last week he unveiled a new energy bill whose major provisions include a Cash for Clunkers replay for home appliances and a $5.8 billion subsidy for natural gas vehicles.

In other words, the green lobby has suffered a landmark defeat, and the recriminations in the liberal press are remarkable. Either Mr. Obama didn’t sell it well enough, perfidious Big Business intervened (never mind that many CEOs were supporters), the obtuse middle class won’t sacrifice for the global good, or evil Republicans . . . Everyone is to blame but the policy itself.

In fact, the bill went down for lack of Democratic votes, in particular those from Midwest coal and manufacturing states. Voters in those states have figured out that cap and tax is a redistributionist exercise from the carbon-dependent heartland to the richer coasts. A Democrat-Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia-is also leading the charge to repeal the EPA’s climate “endangerment” regulation that imposes cap and trade though the backdoor.

Read the rest at the Wall Street Journal.

26 Responses to The Death of Cap and Tax

  1. paul wenum August 4, 2010 at 8:45 pm #

    Harry will have frown come November. This is the first picture I’ve seen with Harry smiling. Must be looking toward retirement?

  2. Rob N. Hood August 7, 2010 at 8:02 am #

    Cap and tax? Cap and Trade is what it is. Why the falseness? You really need that kind of flim flamery? I guess so.

    Sadly, the ‘no’ Republican minority includes a lot of ‘know-nothings.’ Even when mired in the provably faulty premise that the Bush tax cuts were economically sound policy, and didn’t create debt, Senate Minority Leader McConnell persists in tattered supply-side rhetoric – – that tax cuts pay for themselves their effect trickling down to create a vibrant economic climate. But if that were true we’d have a healthier economy now. And, if the wealthiest sector were a job-creating engine, companies would be hiring instead of exporting jobs in record numbers while owners continue to prosper.

  3. Hal Groar August 7, 2010 at 10:36 am #

    Robbie, Ann Davidow is a nut job, I would not be using her words if I were you. Media bias is right wing imagination? Wow! Aside from the hours and hours of proof, actual members admitting to it and even the left setting it up and advertising it, we right wingers have a vivid imagination! Rob, you think the trillions spent on “bailouts” and TARP and the like had anything to do with the current economic state? Bush started this spending spree and Barry has doubled, or tripled down on it. Throw in health care and the finance bill and of course there will not be any job growth. It’s like sending a car through a crusher then complaining that you put a new air cleaner in it and it still won’t run! This lady is vapid! Rob, I am not surprised you listen to the likes of this.

    • NEIL F. AGWD/BSD August 10, 2010 at 9:22 pm #

      Not the first time he’s stolen Davidow’s material. In fact, he doesn’t have any of his own thoughts. Zip, zero, nada. And he thinks we are mind-numbed robots. Ha!

    • Rob N. Hood August 16, 2010 at 3:48 pm #

      Uhhh, people in glass houses, Hal…

  4. paul wenum August 8, 2010 at 11:00 pm #

    Rome, here we come. Never changes does it.

  5. NEIL F. AGWD/BSD August 9, 2010 at 9:09 pm #

    Yup! It’s the Republicans fault (who don’t have enough votes to block anything). I think this is more over-reaching, if it’s anything. They should have done this first before the health care bill.

  6. NEIL F. AGWD/BSD August 10, 2010 at 5:16 am #
    “A beleaguered federal agency appears to be implicated in the most blatant and extreme case of climate data fraud yet seen. Official records have been confirmed as evidence that a handful of temperature records for the Great Lakes region have been hiked up by literally hundreds of degrees to substantially inflate the average temperature range for the northeastern United States.”

  7. Rob N. Hood August 11, 2010 at 7:10 am #

    When I was a kid you could not swim in Lake Superior. Not for very long, and no one did. Now? All the time. Go to Duluth, and see.

    545 PEOPLE–By Charlie Reese

    Politicians are the only people in the world who
    create problems and then campaign against them..

    Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the
    Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?

    Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are
    against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high

    You and I don’t propose a federal budget. The
    president does.

    You and I don’t have the Constitutional authority to
    vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.

    You and I don’t write the tax code, Congress does.

    You and I don’t set fiscal policy, Congress does.

    You and I don’t control monetary policy, the Federal
    Reserve Bank does.

    One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president,
    and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings out of the
    300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible
    for the domestic problems that plague this country.

    I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board
    because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress
    delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a
    federally chartered, but private, central bank.

    I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for
    a sound reason. They have no legal authority They have no ability to
    coerce a senator, a congressman, or a president to do one cotton-picking
    thing. I don’t care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in
    cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter
    what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator’s responsibility to
    determine how he votes.

    Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy
    convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in
    this common con regardless of party.

    What separates a politician from a normal human being
    is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the
    gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for
    creating deficits…. . The president can only propose a budget. He
    cannot force the Congress to accept it.

    The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the
    land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for
    originating and approving appropriations and taxes.
    It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300
    million can not replace

    545 people who stand convicted — by present facts —
    of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can’t think of a single
    domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people.
    When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power
    of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what
    they want to exist.

  8. Rob N. Hood August 11, 2010 at 10:28 am #

    We are becoming a third world country. We torture people like third world countries,our educational system is in the toilet and our economy is forever screwed.Global free trade has destroyed our economy thanks to America hero Ronnie Reagan.Courts have ruled against our constitutional rights backed by politicians from both parties.We have the global economies buying whatever politicians they want,a free and independent press which isn’t either one,a voting system that has been proven corrupt. But! We still have a first rate war machine,third world countries don’t have that. A few more years of poverty and trade deficits may start to effect that too, but it will be the last to go, as in all failed empires.

    • NEIL F. AGWD/BSD August 15, 2010 at 11:25 am #

      Yup those third world countries that use water boarding! If you think we are using the same techniques as third world countries are for information gathering, you are dreaming! How can you equate water boarding with torture? When the individual only has the sensation of drowning, and is not in any danger of actually drowning? If it is torture, then it is the most humane torture ever devised!

      • Rob N. Hood August 16, 2010 at 12:37 pm #

        Umm, Neil maybe you had better get out your dictionary and look up “torture.” I think what you said above is many things, but some of it at least could be cleared up by checking the definition.

        • NEIL F. AGWD/BSD August 17, 2010 at 6:13 am #

          Ok. I did look up the definition of torture. (and suddenly you are concerned about word definitions?) Let’s go through it.
          a. Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or coercion.
          b. An instrument or a method for inflicting such pain.
          2. Excruciating physical or mental pain; agony: the torture of waiting in suspense.
          3. Something causing severe pain or anguish.

          I think you are looking at definition #2. Where I am talking about definition #1.
          We’re not talking about having to sit through a chick flick with your girlfriend, or going through back hair removal, which is what definitions #2, and #3 are describing.
          What we are talking about are methods to coerce information from people who do not want to provide information.
          Just out of curiosity I did a search for “methods of torture” and the only place that waterboarding is listed as a method of torture is wikipedia.
          But just to be fair, I must concede that many people believe waterboarding is torture, and because common usage of a word dictates the definition the word, then it is defined as torture. That said, it was only used on three people, as far as we know, and it did provide information that prevented a 9/11 style attack on L.A.
          But let’s go back to what you said originally. You said “We torture people like third world countries”. This is not true at all. Here is a list of methods of torture used in China; Do you have any evidence that we use ANY of those methods? No, of course you don’t, and you never will because we don’t do any of that. And just because three people were waterboarded, (and it is debateable that it is torture) doesn’t make us the Khmer Rouge. Not even close dude.

          • Rob N. Hood August 18, 2010 at 8:57 am #

            Your defesnse of the indefensible simply highlights your deluded mind. Waterborading has been offically recognized as torture by MANY countries, for MANY decades, including this one… so sorry, you’re wong AND deluded as usual. But not unusual for an extremist. I asked for the definition because 1. I knew you’d love to provide one. 2. We needed it to further the discussion. And 3. because I knew if you posted an actual defintion it would by itself prove that you are wrong. But then there’s #4…. You digging yourself further into that Right-wing hole of delusion. And you are not robot-like predictable?!

            Not only that, but, there have been reports AND photos (you forgot Ms. Lyndie England so fast?!) of other types of torture the Bush administration allowed if not encouraged. And as usual with these kinds of things there is probably more that we aren’t yet aware of or will never be allowed to know. But I am talking about what we DO KNOW. What amazing self-censoring mind-bending you people possess!

          • NEIL F. AGWD/BSD August 23, 2010 at 5:53 am #

            Abu Ghraib was a stain on us without a doubt, but just because some idiots like Lynndie England did some f’d up stuff, that was f’d up and stupid, does not mean that we torture people like third world countries do! Why would Abu Ghraib have been a scandal then? Why would there have been multple investigations too? If we did that like third world countries do, you would get a rifle butt to the face for even questioning it. The reporter who broke the story would have been arrested, and thrown in jail! And the Govt. would deny it ever happened and bury the story.

  9. Paul Wenum August 11, 2010 at 8:35 pm #

    Very simple and I will say it until I pass. Vote your convictions. That said, look at Dayton that won the primary. You get who you vote for and donate to as well, or they fund their own campaign (Entensa/Dayton). I’m sure Dayton’s a fine man, just not what I look for as Governor. I guess money does speak to a degree, however, people must know what their candidate stands for, not sound bites. “Only in America.” Sound bites rule for the unknowing majority because they don’t take time to investigate/inspect their candidate before they vote. Look at 2008, “Change!” what change? Perfect example! Talk about being suckered by an “Organizer.” Now look at the conundrum we are in. It will be interesting in 2010.

    • Rob N. Hood August 16, 2010 at 3:53 pm #

      Exactly! Very little “change” indeed. That’s my point, has been all along. It’s business as usual, literally. Now you’re getting it Paul! Are you? ……???

  10. NEIL F. AGWD/BSD August 11, 2010 at 10:07 pm #
    The researchers state: “The world of the ancient past had been thought by scientists to differ from ours in many respects, including having carbon dioxide levels much higher – over twenty times as high – than those of the present. However, it is very hard to deduce carbon dioxide levels with any accuracy from such ancient rocks, and it was known that there was a paradox, for the late Ordovician was known to include a brief, intense glaciation – something difficult to envisage in a world with high levels of greenhouse gases. “

  11. paul wenum August 12, 2010 at 9:14 pm #

    Excellent research my friend. Interesting to say the least. Did you also read about the carbon credit burden put on England starting 9/30/2010? That’s what in store for us as well if they pass this monstrosity.

  12. Rob N. Hood August 18, 2010 at 3:14 pm #

    One of the most destructive and swift coral bleaching events ever recorded is underway in the waters off Indonesia, where water temperatures have climbed into the low 90s, according to data released by a conservation group this week.

    Of particular concern is the scale of the warmer ocean waters, which the NOAA website indicates has affected the entire Andaman Sea and beyond. Similar mass bleaching events in 2010 have now been recorded in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia and many parts of Indonesia.

    If the oceans die, folks, we die.

  13. Rob N. Hood August 19, 2010 at 3:10 pm #

    THAT pesky oil ! Oh well, it will disappear… again… right Neil?!

    Scientists on Thursday reported results from the first detailed study of a giant plume of oily water near the blown-out BP well — stating that it measured at least 22 miles long, more than a mile wide and 650 feet tall.

    While other scientists earlier found evidence of plumes in the area, the new data is the first peer-reviewed study about oil lurking in the water, in this case at some 3,000 feet below the surface. It’s also the first to offer some details about the size and characteristics of a plume not only vast in size but which remained stable and intact during a 10-day survey last June.

    Moreover, the study adds to the controversy over how much oil is still in the Gulf ecosystem from the spill. The U.S. government earlier this month estimated that 75 percent of the oil that spewed from the Macondo well had been skimmed, burned or broken up by chemical dispersants and natural microbes in the water.

    The plume, which scientists said came from the busted Gulf well, shows the oil “is persisting for longer periods than we would have expected,” lead researcher Rich Camilli said in a statement issued with the study. “Many people speculated that subsurface oil droplets were being easily biodegraded. Well, we didn’t find that. We found it was still there.”

  14. NEIL F. AGWD/BSD August 23, 2010 at 5:32 am #

    This was in June. It is now August, almost September. This would be meaningful only if they can say that it is still there now. And as far as I can tell, no one is saying it is still there now. Are they?
    So what we have here is a meaningless story.

  15. Rob N. Hood August 24, 2010 at 10:18 am #

    Uh, yes… they are. An underwater plume the size of Manhatten has been found and being tracked. This will probably eventually destroy another ecosystem. Meanwhile any marine animals/fish unlucky enough to swim into it will most likely die. But in Neil’s opinion that is simply meaningless. Must be nice not to have a conscience.

  16. paul wenum August 30, 2010 at 9:44 pm #

    I just ate gulf shrimp. Fantastic! What’s the problem? Bubba Gump would be proud!

  17. Rob N. Hood August 31, 2010 at 9:38 am #

    So happy for you.

  18. paul wenum September 6, 2010 at 10:49 pm #


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