California's Energy Efficiency Measures Not Implementable on a National Scale

OnPoint, 04/08/2008As the United States tries to reduce emissions and become more energy independent, energy efficiency will likely play a major part in achieving these goals. But should the government be incentivizing consumers to lead more efficient lifestyles? During today’s OnPoint, Thomas Tanton, a fellow in environmental studies at the Pacific Research Institute discusses his new white paper, written for the Competitive Enterprise Institute, discussing California’s demand-side management program (DSM). The paper, “California’s Energy Policy: A cautionary tale for the nation,” takes aim at the DSM and explains why it should not be implemented nationally. Tanton says the DSM has not yielded energy usage reductions on its own and he explains why he believes other states would not be successful in reducing their energy usage in this way.

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One Response to California's Energy Efficiency Measures Not Implementable on a National Scale

  1. Dr. Richard B. Rajendren, Ph.D April 21, 2008 at 10:56 am #

    It has been awhile we have been talking about Global Warming. But one thing is clear that Global Warming is real. We have signs all around the world (Globally). But the reason is not clear what is causing it, nobody want to agree on one issue. But it is going to affect the way of our lives as we have known for tha last few centuries.
    Whether it is man/women made or cyclic change of the earth itself should not be the question. The debate should be what are we going to do about it. Insted of finger pointing, we should attack the problem in Globally Coordinated effort, scientifically.
    People who have been living from the glacial melt water will run out of water. This includ more than 2/3 of the world population. May be it is possible to store this melt water from going waste and contain them to sustain the people. Countrie like Peru, India, Pakistan and several others will be directly impacted with this condition. It seems like thes pople are oblivious to the on coming disaster.

    Well It is a long story, and canot be answered in one page. If you wants to know more, contact me. I do have a few answers and willing to share with any one like to hear.


    Richard B. Rajendren

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