This video documents Chicken Little’s journey to Washington DC to see the king. Unlike the traditional children’s story, Chicken Little decided to make his trip once he discovered that the sky wasn’t falling after all and that claims of man-made global warming were untrue. Chicken Little went to Washington to stand-up for his friends at Minnesotans for Global Warming (M4GW), including Elmer-Welmer, Ducky Lucky, Henny Penny and other American patriots. His friends had recently come under attack by “warmers” like Michael Mann.
Too light, too childish. Sometimes I think we most adopt their own tactics: egging their faces at all conferences
I think you have missed the point.
Well, maybe Dan, but I still believe these nice Minnesotans should fight back in a stronger manner. I mean, how many people will understand such a soft action against the threat of lawsuits, etc, etc. I am disapointed when I see Youtube and Google collaborating (indirectly or not) with the alarmists, and if the way to answer these incredible censorships is dreesing like chicken little and going around telling people that now he feels safe because the sky wasn’t falling, sorry, but I see the counter-message to soft.
Dressing in a chicken suit to respond to a legal threat is a funny way of saying we don’t take it seriously. It’s a shot back across the bow, thumbing our noses and saying, “bring it on.” Wait for the full press conference video and see the responding “Hide the Decline II” video that was made to “comply” with Dr. Mann’s cease and desist demand.
Spoken like a true fascist.
Why Rob? give me a reason for that comment.
It’s so obvious I will not. Don’t feel bad, many other fascist-leaning people have no clue about it either.
Stop Rob, it may be obvious for you, but I take that ofense very serious. You can’t go ofending people with such heavy terms without giving an explanation. So, or you justify your comments, or you apologize for using a wrong word. If you continue like this your will end completely descridited in this forum. I can put you many examples why I call you stupid, but I didn’t call you stupid for the pleasure of hurting you, or to ofend you, that will be completely irrational of my part. I call you stupid or yerk based in your comments, but for this one I should call you slanderer, because what you are doing here is playing with personal defamation, and you can’t do that everytime you have nothing to say. Listen Rob, you are going to far.
the pot calling the kettle black. good one.
Can’t wait for “Hide and Decline II.”
I think you missed something. This is Hide the Decline II:
Thanks Dan I saw it! It is always nice to be wrong on things like that. Freedom is precious, it is all!
You are right Cubanshamoo, freedom is precious, let’s keep it that way. By the way Dan, liked it!