Don’t worry if you were unable to attend last night’s conference on global climate change held at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. You can watch the newly released 22-minute documentary entitled “Climate Chains” as well as the 95 minute speech given by Lord Christopher Monckton after the movie.
You can follow Lord Monckton’s Power Point with this pdf document.
That’s right. Global problems, real or conjured up, require global governmental solutions. Environmentalism is nothing less than the global elitists’ replacement ideology for communism/socialism. With communism largely discredited today – after all, 100-150 million people died at the hands of communist “visionaries” during the last century – elitists who desire to rule other people’s lives have gravitated to an even more powerful ideology. More powerful because it seems to trump all other considerations, as it claims the very survival of life on earth is dependent on implementing its agenda.
Yup! That’s right. Who wants to say they’re against saving the planet? It is a philisophical landmine argument. It allows them to claim the moral high ground. It’s actually quite ingenious, yet completely false at the same time. That’s why I think it is important to constantly bring up the fact that the predictions thus far have been completely wrong. Let them cling to their climate models. The facts from the data will win out in the end because they illustrate that the dire predictions were wrong.
Yes, the president can sign the treaty. But the Senate has to approve it. So there are two possible ways to stop it. But, I think that we may have to go down this road so that the people can understand the true nature of their governance – and shrug it off once and for all.
I like your name. And you spell it the right way!
The “Green Movement” started with Nazi (National Socialist) Germany. Hitler’s Greens were easily led as then assimilated into malleable, obedient ranks of Nazi soldiers.
Today’s environmentalists are like watermelon: Communist Red on the inside, Environmental Green on the outside.
Lord Monkton’s stoplight theory. “They claim to be green because they’re too yellow to admit that they’re red”
This is really scary to me. I didn’t think that something like this would be possible. But since we have a communist president and his minions in congress, I guess it will be possible. This really makes me want to throw up.
Sarah: Don’t be scared. Be ANGRY!!! Fear is what they want i.e. all the polar bears are dying, tundra melt will cause positive feedback and accelerate global warming, sea levels will rise 20 feet etc., ect. If you are afraid you can be controlled. Anger is something they are not able to control. So I repeat: DO NOT BE AFRAID, BE ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!
I totally agree with you and I am doing my part by doing what I can to fight back. I’m getting this out to as many people as I can…if you are on Facebook/My space….get it to all your contacts as well…..
Thank you. Please keep it up and take heart. America has prevailed over more difficult challenges before.
Why should any of this surprise anyone? Many out there don’t believe it but, The Bible has predicted this for centuries.
Sarah, you say a “communist president”, but all presidents in the US (after JFK) carry the instructions of the same elite who control the Federal Reserve. It does not matter whether it’s Obama or anyone else, the New World Order agenda will progress anyway. “Man-made” global warming is also the reason for carbon tax, which we will all start to pay sooner or later.
If you are new to this site, you are going to love Rob N’ Hood. If you’re not already him.
It was before JFK. Well before JFK. Look back at history.
Wonderful speech, but Monckton is wrong about the treaty a treaty trumping the Constitution itself. ONLY treaties negotiated and ratified “under the authority of” the United States and consistent with our Constitution are part of the “supreme law of the land”. The federal government lacks the authority to surrender our national sovereignty as “the UNITED States”. The Constitution does not give any branch of the federal government the power to abrograte, amend or annul any of its provisions — the STATES alone can do that, through a time-consuming and politically difficult amendment process . How many states will surrender their sovereignty to the UN? NOT ONE, I’d bet.
Any treaty has to be ratified by “2/3 of senators present”, according to our Constitution, and that is not going to happen with anything signed in Copenhagen that attempts to tax Americans, destroy our economy or impinge on our sovereignty. Recall that the Senate voted 95 to 0 to tell the Clinton White House not to bring the Kyoto treaty (which Gore signed) to them for ratification. Note also that Waxman-Markey will not be passed either, because the Democrat Senate will not have the votes—-cap-and-trade would and carbon taxes would KILL the economies of mid-western states, including those with Dem senators.
I hope you are right. We will see.
I like what you have to say, but look at where we are and no one would have thought this could be happening. You don’t think Obama, a constitutional lawyer, has a game plan around this. Why aren’t the normal members of Congress standing up and saying stop now! If you ask a citizen they say they are angry, really angry, but it is still going on.
Only if BO sneaks it in as an Executive Agreement — “you all in the Senate are so busy with Healthcare legislation, I’ll just issue this Executive Agreement… nothing to see here, just keep moving… move along…” In other words, I think BO could and would do it and could likely find a way around it. It is a leftist world-government dream for this to happen. And BO is in that camp of anti-American-sovereignty that can try and make this happen. This treaty wasn’t possible when GWB was in the White House. Now the world sees their opportunity and wants to sieze it now before the window closes.
Likewise, the statement that “the US cannot get out of the treaty” isn’t exactly correct. The next president could, in effect, cancel it without notice (see Jimmy Carter v. Tiawan 1978) but it may start a “war” of sorts with other leftist countries who want our $$ (trade wars, real wars, etc.).
It really is unfathomable that this possibility is even within sight…
The states are not surrendering it the ONE signing the treaty is surrendering it….He SUPPOSEDLY speaks for us. He is OUR president….so since our demoracy has always allowed us to speak our mind and our president has always listened we think OUR president will go along with the PEOPLE but evidently NOT ANYMORE!!!
effinayright – You would be correct, if those in charge of the US actually respected and followed the law. The SPPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership Program) between the US, Mexico & Canada was never run by the senate, but Bush signed it anyway. Since Korea, the US has sent combat troops all over the world on the say so of the United Nations, with no formal Declaration of War from congress. How do they get away with it? The SPPP is simply not called a Treaty, even though it carries the same weight. Combat troops are now involved in Police Actions, not wars. Even the War of Terror was recently changed to Overseas Contingency Operations by the Obama administration. If you want a real scare – find out who owns the Statue of Liberty, or the Grand Canyon, or Yellowstone National Park or even Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Its not We the People anymore, they are UN World Heritage Sites, under the control of an international panel. The laws no longer apply to those we have entrusted to uphold them.
Last I checked we don’t have a control planet to compare to. So much for scientific method. We only have the one pool does it matter why we get them to stop peeing in it. Or is acid rain still a myth too.
Devin, we do have another planet to compare to: Mars. Mars has increased temperatures as well. Why then? Is it because the factories on Mars?
John, you are a banana. Mars is hot because it’s a LOT closer to the sun. Fortunately for the martians there are no earthlings there to screw up the environment even more than it is.
Mars is further from the sun. Are you thinking of Venus, perhaps?
Yes, Mars hot at -46 deg C You would be picking up the brass that fell off after stepping out in that atmosphere and finding it a little hard to breath with those global warming gases the perdominent gasses at 96% CO2. What’s the problem? Mars is a very bad example of global warming!!! Better draw a nuther planet.
We must convince everyone in both the US House and Senate to see this video. If they see it and still vote for cap and trade we will know they are treasonous. Demand that your Rep watches this. Demand that the MSM covers it.
Get back on point. How do we defeat them? Vote in 2010 I say. What say you?
Elections in 2010 are going to be too late.
Paul: I say by 2010 elections, it will be well on it’s way & too late to stop it. This has been in the works for many, many years. The Federal Reserve & the U.N. are the culprits. Can we stop this NOW?? Who knows. Will we be able to notify & unify enough people to work to stop it? Who knows, but we have to try!! We can’t just do nothing!! I’m hoping that someone will send this to FoxNews & have them investigate it & enhance our chances of getting something done about it & to rally the patriots of this nation!! Pres Obama is also going to sign on to the Intenational Criminal Court which is an arm of the U. N. to prosecute our soldiers & military for “war crimes.” Especially our military are in grave danger if this is done & we will lose our country & countrymen & women! I understand why they want to make all nations into a third world nation & that’s to control & take over the world. The more prosperous nations will become like the starving, poor & diseased nations that are struggling with all these issues right now & thousands are dying everyday! The U. S. will not have the capacity to help with disasters & humanitarian issues any longer when this all takes place. Just my thoughts on the matter. We have written, emailed, called & protested & this government is not listening..oh, they hear us alright, but they have their agenda & nothing will stop them…unless the Lord is on our side!!
Your hysterics are actually shared by a lot of Liberal people too (myself included). Problem with you wingers is you don’t listen to us enough to understand the similarities- you have been brain-wshed that WE are the enemy, when in fact you know very well who is… The UN, and/or Financial Reserve, the true power elite- yes THOSE guys! Your average Liberal is no power elitist… , just we Liberals know the average Republican is no power elitist. Duh! THEY rely on keeping us against each other- without that they would LOSE. Planning on voting the crooks out in 2010 is a joke. Why? They’re ALL crooks. You gotta wake up to that fact- Please! and hurry.
What has happened is that people did not realize that we really have three parties. The Progressive Party, The Democrat Party and the Republican Party. The democrats did not realize, and I think they are only just starting to realize, that they have been taken over by Progressives. The Republicans need to hae the Democrats working together. This is a horrible situation. There are many democrats that are not progressives……but where are they?
Jan, I don’t know what the heck you are talking about. However, you would be much more accurate to say that about the Republican party. Many older conservatives are saying that the neo-conservatives have hijacked their party, and I have to believe them, from what I’ve seen in the past two decades. What is this “progressive party” you mention? What a strange statement…!
I agree with the comments about the Federal Government doing as they please even though there is a requirement of a 2/3 vote to uphold or make law the Treaty. Have we not seen how officials in those States have overturned the “vote” of the people on certain issues. Those to whom supposedly are representing the People of their States, don’t have the courage or the integrity to stop the insanity….why? Because they are going to cash in as partners of the NWO!!!!!!! Elections are fixed….the outcomes sure. The only good (although and very important good) VOTING does nowadays, is that you cast your lot before God, the Creator of Moral Law, on where you stand in the Cause of Freedom. Each of us will come before the Judgement Bar of God and account for how we preserved the right to worship, to own property and to preserve life. Our Founding Fathers knew and believed this and that is just one reason they were willing to sign their names to a Document that would have taken their lives and fortunes if they had failed.
We are at a critical juncture in American History. Will we be like all other prosperous civilizations who threw off their liberty in favor of slavery? These civilizations all failed, and we will be among the fallen if we keep this course. As with our Founding Fathers, if we will acknowldege the True God of this Land (whom the Founding Fathers acknowledged as Jesus Christ) and return to the moral principles by which we became great, then God will, as he did earlier, will help us once more fight tyrants who worship only themselves and desire themselves to be set up as Gods (Marx-Man is God) and desire the forced worship of themselves by everyone else. I hope that somehow we are able to turn things around and get this country back to being great in a Peaceful way, but history tells us that this is not so, and I worry for the lawlessness/anarchy that may result of being oppressed. I hope and pray that this does not happen, for if it does, the results will be tragic.
Thank you Lord Monckton, for the truth. It sure would be great if ALL OF AMERICA could hear this.
We are such and ignorant nation of truth and facts. Climate change has occurred because of the ICE Ages, and for the many micro explosions occurring on the sun, which affect the climate. We as humans think we are all that and can alter God’s creation – not so much. We are just mear specs on this great globe.
Unfortuntely it is a sad time in America when the average american with true values and beliefs cannot be elected and then follow through on his or her convictions. As you all state, you do not trust any elected official. Be it dog catcher or the President. Why? because we vote for the sound bites, the visual (he looks better than the other guy) not even reading or researching what they stand for! It reminds me of Leno’s man on the street. Sound familiar?? This is a wake up call to all that your candidate is vetted by everyone before the election. Be it a Democrat, Republican etc. I don’t believe 80% or what I hear and 80% of what I see from a candidate. Actions speak louder than words. Bottom line. Before you Vote, know what your person stands for and if he/she will follow through. We have lost that fly specking over the last 30 years. Look where it has taken us!!!! It better change soon. I believe it is called educating yourself before you pull the lever to vote. Enough pontificating.
Finding out what a candidate stands for does sound like a wise and good idea — unfortunately they say one thing during campaigning and then do quite another once elected (i.e., BO claiming the true war is in Afghanistan and now is vascilating on a decision). And BO is not the only one. Remember the “Read my lips” quote? We do have to “vet” the candidates — because the media no longer does its job. Then again, in the last presidential election, neither candidate really shared my values.
Most people only care about what is going on around them when it effects themselves directly. So how does communism and total slavery grab you ?
Let’s not “guess” what the constitution says about a treaty becoming supreme law of the land. Read the actual text:
Article 2 –
Section. 1. The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. …
Section 2: … He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur;
Article. VI. … This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
The “Authority of the United States” is that authority granted in Article 2 Section 2 to make treaties that is a made by the President and concurred by 2/3 of senate makes it “part” of the supreme law of the land regardless of any other law.
There is no provision that States must approve or that any treaty must be evaluated to comply with other parts of the Constitution.
Similarly, there is no provision, if a treaty is contrary to some other part of the constitution which portion of the law triumphs over the other part – i.e. a treaty that agrees to eliminate any of the first 10 amendments, or establish the right of a world legislature to take private property either as a direct tax or otherwise. These are very real goals for globalists – The real threat is that IF the US government agrees by treaty to subjugate itself to a global government, that the subjugation causes the US government to become an agent of the global government to execute powers that exceed enumerated powers granted government in the US Constitution or degrades any liberty or right, it would be difficult to find sufficient power in the court to rule and enforce that the other two branches violated the oath to protect and defend the Constitution.
This is a very good point of clarification…thanks.
Look the dude up. Monckton is a journalist and political advisor (not a politician). Clearly he is also a sensationalist by assimilation and regurgitation. He is not an environmental scientist. He thinks climate change is not impacted by humans. His solution to AIDS is to screen, identify, and isolate infected persons “…compulsorily, immediately, and permanently.” He thinks that banning DDT was a mistake. Clearly he thinks that humans are the rulers of the universe and that everything else should go way-side. Loser. Loser. Loser.
Regardless of what he sensationalizes, the true point of this issue is that we have people in office (now and in the past) who desire to sell out the American People. This is the real issue, not Lord Monckton. Just because the man may not have an Enviromental Degree does not mean he is incapable of taking an active interest in an issue and researching it to the point of becoming an expert by way of personal education. Since when does having a degree make someone an expert????? I know a whole lot of people who have degrees that I wouldn’t give 5 cents for their information. By that same token I know a whole lot of people who because they have not been indoctrinated by higher education to accept a certain view, have been able to bring forth amazing information to balance out the lies.
So, based on your post, I am wondering what information he has said that is NOT correct? I would really like to hear your point of view…thanks
Careful Bish… these people are sensitive creatures. Besides they don’t care who the heck the guy is really, he says what they want to hear, and thus is magically becomes THE TRUTH !
Well, his “gak gak gak” is clearly based on Christian Ideology, so from a perspective that God is in control, and Man is the greatest of his creations, and the more of Man the better, etc.; sure – his points are in perspective. There is no arguing with a zealot – that is a fact (hence no response to Liberty_belle – she is hooked on the stuff). The fact is (I say “fact” as freely as Lord M does – lol), that there are very few catastrophic social, environmental, or economic issues that man faces which are not a direct result of too darned many people. Flavors of Christianity (and others as well) have been pushing that agenda for lots of reasons, pleasant and evil both. The fact is, this planet’s perspective, if it could talk, is that it could care less. Evolution has seen plenty of naturally deformed, cognatively deficient, ill-adapted, and duped species go by the way-side. We are among those. This planet will march on – and subduct our lazy, brown, blind, bald (human end-game genetics I say lol) carcasses. Anthropomorphic Climate Change solved. AIDS Solved. Lame politics solved. Killing in the name of a god solved. Blogs solved.
Bish, you have not answered any of the facts presented. Al Gore is not a scientist.. You are only attacking the messenger, a typical Sal Alinsky “Rules of Radicals” tactic which identifies you. Do you also chant mmm mmm mmm BHO BHO or have that tingle down your leg?
I bet you don’t speak of Muslims as you do Christians or else your head would be sawed off with a dull knife.
You should balance your religious bigotry!
I am not here to answer “facts.” This is a blog (where people have interestes and opinions to share), not a scholarly meduim of any kind, clearly. I have simply stated my observations and opinons about a man who, in any reasonable circle, would be considered a marketing guru with fascist tendencies. I have hardly touched Saul Alinsky’s tactics, and you only bring that up because it is all Google would tell you about Radicals and Democrats. Get a life.
PS – I have not singled out any religions but the one that stuck its neck out so blatantly and so ignorantly. Everyone has a right to practice whatever religion they want – but none of them can mix their practices and beliefs with science – because the definition of religion is in direct conflict with the definitino of science. Period. All organized religion that I have encountered, including Muslim, is very poorly represented these days. Humans ruin religion. Ask any god. So come saw my head off. Lol.
There you go again Robbie Boy, we are all Bad and your ilk are all knowing. Sounds like Gore and Soros when Gore will not debate. You have not changed, nor will you look at both sides.
See Bish? I warned you. You sound very intelligent and of course that will win you many friends on this site, lol. I am getting very tired of arguing with them, so maybe someone like you can pick up my slack, or not. It’s really waste of time, but kind of fun to rile them up of course.
Agreed again Sr. Rob. Im gonna find someone to talk to that has their own opinions.
I’ll be tracking the progress of this “treaty” through the coming 2 months, and will be trumpeting it to everyone in my circle of family and acquaintances. However, if “king kenya” signs it, and the house/senate approve it…bring on your “enforcers”: and there had best be MANY of them, because I and oh, one-or-two other AMERICANS I know will be patiently waiting for them. 2nd Ammendment in hand:) Bring it!
Bish, I love discourse “make my day.”
Bish/Rob, I think you are the same. Are you twins? Look in the mirror, you look and sound like a broken record. What did you say to that one nice lady? “blah, blah, blah.” You and your friend will never change. Your ilk never changes, just get’s more vehement in your comments/slanders etc. I feel sorry for both of you. Later.
Actually, I guess you dont’ really pay attention, because the blah blah blah was to you. You think Bish was vehement and slandorous? Really? Or maybe you are just referring to me, cuz Bish did no such thing. Beware! Here comes more “slander!”
“The fanatic is not really a stickler to principle. He embraces a cause not primarily because of its justness or holiness but because of his desperate need for something to hold onto.” – Eric Hoffer
You read but do you comprehend? Doubt it.
So some Republicans are drooling over some foreign guy who is talking about insurrection and radical action towrds the US Govt. Imagine what these same Lovers of everything USA wold have said about Democrats doing that, back while Dubya was Pres? I think I know- the word unpatriotic comes to mind. Funny how things change and how certain people flip flop, making hypocrites of themselves in the process.
You will never change. It’s like talking to dim bulb. Gore must love you as well as GE and Soros.
Anyone who has driven through the Rocky Mountains and other high-altitude Western areas in recent months has seen the work of the mountain pine beetle. Pine trees that once spread gloriously over millions of acres are now either dead or dying.
The beetle, not much bigger than a bedbug, is native to the West and has always been known as a tree killer. For centuries it has killed a few diseased trees here, a patch of trees there, but never before has it caused destruction on the scale being seen today.
U.S. Forest Service scientist Jesse Logan and other forest researchers have discovered that the beetles are responding to higher average temperatures by breeding almost nonstop. They are no longer being held in balance by the lower winter temperatures that once prevailed.
The death of so many trees, which imperils the habitat of animals and threatens catastrophic forest fires, is further evidence that the planet is warming at an alarming rate. Appearing on a National Public Radio show this week, Logan said the warming is not part of a natural cycle, as many climate-change deniers insist. “It is directly our actions that are taking these forests out,†Logan said.
Scientists around the world agree with Logan: Human activity, principally the burning of fossil fuels for energy, is responsible for rapidly accelerating warming. Worldwide consequences include the melting of polar ice and weird weather, including shorter springs and extended summers that cause droughts.
That is why Congress is nearing debate on a climate-change bill that would cap the emissions of greenhouse gases from American industries and set goals for converting to non-emitting power sources such as solar and wind. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, trap heat in the atmosphere that would otherwise escape harmlessly into space.
It is imperative to pass this bill so more and bigger changes in energy production can start immediately. Those who deny the urgency should take a drive through the West.
“A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolve, and the people, recovering their true sight, restore their government to it’s true principles.” — Tom Jefferson 06/04/1798 (context — alien & sedition acts — an early fit of “american” teabagger fury)
Been to the “rocky Mountains” many times. Pine beetle’s are cute. Are they a part of climate change? NO!
“Been to the “rocky Mountains†many times. Pine beetle’s are cute. Are they a part of climate change? NO!”
To see climate change, just OPEN YOUR EYES!
Anyone who has driven through the Rocky Mountains and other high-altitude Western areas in recent months has seen the work of the mountain pine beetle. Pine trees that once spread gloriously over millions of acres are now either dead or dying.
The beetle, not much bigger than a bedbug, is native to the West and has always been known as a tree killer. For centuries it has killed a few diseased trees here, a patch of trees there, but never before has it caused destruction on the scale being seen today.
U.S. Forest Service scientist Jesse Logan and other forest researchers have discovered that the beetles are responding to higher average temperatures by breeding almost nonstop. They are no longer being held in balance by the lower winter temperatures that once prevailed.
The death of so many trees, which imperils the habitat of animals and threatens catastrophic forest fires, is further evidence that the planet is warming at an alarming rate. Appearing on a National Public Radio show this week, Logan said the warming is not part of a natural cycle, as many climate-change deniers insist. “It is directly our actions that are taking these forests out,†Logan said.
Scientists around the world agree with Logan: Human activity, principally the burning of fossil fuels for energy, is responsible for rapidly accelerating warming. Worldwide consequences include the melting of polar ice and weird weather, including shorter springs and extended summers that cause droughts.
That is why Congress is nearing debate on a climate-change bill that would cap the emissions of greenhouse gases from American industries and set goals for converting to non-emitting power sources such as solar and wind. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, trap heat in the atmosphere that would otherwise escape harmlessly into space.
It is imperative to pass this bill so more and bigger changes in energy production can start immediately. Those who deny the urgency should take a drive through the West.
Awesome video and interesting debate on here….energy prices are only going one way though, the changes we make today will have a massive impact by 2050.
They wany us to change our whole way of living, but will these changes work, probably not, its too f…. late already. Some people really dont give a [deleted profanity] do they? these fools are so arrogant, any idiot could see that we are doing huge amounts of damage to the planet, regardless of whether it stacks up as the scientific reason for climate change or whatever. We have a large bucket that we are very quickly filling with s…., one day it will be full, end of chat.
[please review site posting rules – moderator]
Thank you Lord Monckton.
I commend you first and foremost for your very interesting speech.
I have being aware of this situation for many years and welcome someone with the knowledge and ability to relay this info, to the general public. From my understanding the bilderberg crew will be meeting in my country Canada in June of 2012. At this point I believe these cronies are suspect of our PM Steven Harper and because of his stance on the Kyoto accord and global warming they will very much applaud him while sticking a knife in his back if he does not concur with their agenda. Prayers for those who fight against dark powers in high places and that Our Lord Christ put His hand on this man and move him in the right direction.