Opening Statement of Senator James Inhofe Senate Environment and Public Works Full Committee An Update on the Science of Global Warming and its Implications Madame Chairman, I am very disappointed to see that this Committee is once again beginning its deliberations on global warming in the wrong manner. Rather than focusing on substantive issues that […]
Archive | July, 2008
Challenging the basis of Kyoto Protocol
Russian Scientists Deny Kyoto Protocol Reflects a Consensus View of the World Scientific Community by Vladimir Radyuhin As western nations step up pressure on India and China to curb the emission of greenhouse gases, Russian scientists reject the very idea that carbon dioxide may be responsible for global warming. Russian critics of the Kyoto Protocol, […]
Renewable Portfolio Standards: Another Hidden Tax
by Paul Chesser Renewable portfolio standards that have passed in several states (and promoted by many other state climate commissions) are nothing more than another hidden energy tax (like cap-and-trade). That is no better illustrated than in a Raleigh News & Observer article today, which explains how Progress Energy is about to go to battle […]
Global Warming as Mass Neurosis
By Bret Stephens Last week marked the 20th anniversary of the mass hysteria phenomenon known as global warming. Much of the science has since been discredited. Now it’s time for political scientists, theologians and psychiatrists to weigh in. What, discredited? Thousands of scientists insist otherwise, none more noisily than NASA’s Jim Hansen, who first banged […]
Chicken Little and the North Pole Icecap
by Christopher C. Horner Late last week, the Drudge Report amplified a “shock claim†that “for the first time in human history, ice is on course to disappear entirely from the North Pole this yearâ€. Drudge linked to the claims originally trumpeted by the UK’s fading left-wing rag The Independent. Just for context, that is […]
LETTER: Local Scientist Skeptical of Global Warming
By Jon Hartzler Ph.D. and retired science professor, Hutchinson Global warming is a hot topic. The liberal politicians and news media stir our emotions and try to make us panic. Al Gore won an Emmy for “An Inconvenient Truth.†It’s like a piranha feeding frenzy! In the June 10 Leader, Glenn Gruenhagen challenged the global warming […]