In honor of Al Gore’s new movie Elmer and the M4GW players have come back to lambaste Al one more time. This video introduces Trump for the first time and has a surprising ending. The Song is to the Tune of Leonard Cohen’s classic Hallelujah.
Archive | Multimedia
Elmer’s PowerPoint Presentation – Confessions of a Graphic Designer
By Elmer Beauregard I decided to put part of my PowerPoint presentation online. As a Graphic designer I have been designing “graphs” for many years and I think bring a different perspective to the Global Warming debate.
Michael Moore’s “The Biggest F*** You In Human History” Speech
Michael Moore gave this speech as part of his new pro-Hillary movie which confused a lot of people. Why would he give a pro-Trump speech if he was trying to promote Hillary? Michael Moore went on Megyn Kelly last night to explain that the edited version ends with the words “it will feel good” but […]
Where Have All the Eagles Gone?
Checkout M4GW’s New Music Video.
Global Climate Scam: An Interview with Lord Christopher Monckton
Lord Christopher Monckton is interviewed on Canadian television about climate change hysteria and its implications. Originally broadcasted December 26, 2014