Archive | January, 2015

Al Gore develops $90 trillion scheme to rebuild every city to get rid of cars

By Mark Whittington, The World Economic Forum occurring in Davos, Switzerland, held to discuss what its participants claim are vexing problems, has already been ridiculed for the large number of private planes that it has taken to bring the elites to the conference. But that little bit of hypocrisy is nothing compared to what […]

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Top Ten Reasons Climate Change is a Hoax

By Elmer Beauregard The Senate voted this week on whether Climate Change is real or a hoax, I think it’s a hoax and here’s why. I’m sure you’ve heard in the news that 2014 was supposed to be the hottest year ever. If it actually was “hottest year ever” you’d think all the terrible calamities […]

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Senate Missed Huge Opportunity On ‘Hoax” Vote

By Elmer Beauregard Yesterday the Senate voted 98 to 1 that “Climate Change” is not a hoax, in my opinion they missed out on a huge opportunity to save America’s economy. All of our energy policies are based on the hoax of climate change, from mileage standards and wind energy to light bulbs. Normally these […]

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‘Hottest year’ hysteria a ploy to make us poorer

by Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun Get ready for a year of climate change hysteria designed to make you poorer while it will do nothing to lower industrial carbon dioxide emissions linked to man-made global warming. The reason is the world’s leading climate monitoring agencies have reported 2014 was the warmest year on record globally. That […]

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Global Warmists Attempt To Hijack The Catholic Church

“The Church of Warming” is ecstatic that Pope Francis is planning to issue an encyclical on the environment.  The “warming jihadists” are hoping that the Pope will help advance their evil religion.  Thank God for people like Michael Voris who have the courage to speak the truth about this heresy.  Be sure to watch Michael’s investigative report “Global Warming Unmasked.”  Catholics of good […]

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Wind farms vs wildlife

By Clive Hambler, The shocking environmental cost of renewable energy Wind turbines only last for ‘half as long as previously thought’, according to a new study. But even in their short lifespans, those turbines can do a lot of damage. Wind farms are devastating populations of rare birds and bats across the world, driving […]

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Cheap oil hides global-warming fee, for now

By Dan McSwain, A new state fee on gasoline designed to combat global warming arrived at the corner gas station on New Year’s Day, but tumbling oil prices are likely to insulate consumers for the time being. It’s a lucky break for lawmakers who, concerned about political backlash, made a failed attempt to delay […]

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