Top Ten Reasons Climate Change is a Hoax


By Elmer Beauregard

The Senate voted this week on whether Climate Change is real or a hoax, I think it’s a hoax and here’s why.

I’m sure you’ve heard in the news that 2014 was supposed to be the hottest year ever. If it actually was “hottest year ever” you’d think all the terrible calamities that are supposed to happen would be happening now but instead the opposite is happening.

1. Record Ice

In 2014 there was record sea ice in Antarctica  in fact a global warming expedition got stuck in it. Arctic sea ice has also made a nice comeback in 2014. The Great lakes had record ice Lake Superior only had 3 ice free months in 2014. You’d think that in the hottest year ever that ice would be melting like Al Gore said.

2. Record Snow

2014 saw record snowfall in many areas, remember when they said that global warming would cause snow to disappear and children won’t know what snow is.

3. Record Cold

In 2014 we saw all kinds of cold records remember the Polar Vortex? You’d think that we’d be breaking all kinds of heat records in “the hottest year ever”

4. Oceans Are Rising Much Less Than Predicted

Al Gore predicted that oceans would rise 20 feet by 2100, it looks like were on track for about a foot. 80% of the tide gauges show less rise than the official “global average”. Many tide gauges show no rise in sea level, and almost none show any acceleration over the past 20 years.

5. Polar Bears Are Thriving

You’d think that Polar Bears would really be in trouble in 2014 “the hottest year ever” but they are thriving.

6. Moose Are Making A Comeback

A few years ago the moose population in Minnesota dropped rapidly and they immediately blamed global warming, then they did a study and found out it was actually wolves that were killing the moose. Wolves have been taken off the endangered species list and are now endangering other species so they opened a wolf hunting season in Minnesota and the moose are coming back. It turns out it had nothing to do with global warming in fact the years when the moose population declined were some very cold ones.

7. 99% of Scientists don’t believe in Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming

You’ve probably heard over and over that 99% of scientist believe in global warming well the opposite is true. That talking point came from a study where only 75 scientists said they believe in global warming on the other hand over 31,000 scientists have signed a petition saying they don’t believe in Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming.

8. Nature produces much more CO2 than man

In 2014 NASA finally launched a satellite that measures CO2 levels around the globe. They assumed that most of the CO2 would be coming from the industrialized northern hemisphere but much to their surprise it was coming from the rainforests in South America, Africa and China.

9. It Isn’t Actually the Warmest Year.

If you look at the satellite data 2014 was not the warmest year ever in fact there has been no global warming for over 18 years. The Reason they can say it’s the warmest year is because they are using the ground weather station data which is heavily influenced by the Urban Heat Island effect, many of which are near pavement. Even still they had to cherry pick that data to get at the warmest year ever and it is only the warmest by only two-100ths of a degree within a dataset that has a variability of a half of a degree. The fact they they had to ignore accurate data and fudge sketchy data to push their agenda proves (IMHO) that climate change is a hoax.

10. The Hypocrisy of the Main Players

One of the main reasons you can tell that global warming is a hoax is that the main purveyors of global warming live lifestyles opposite of what they preach, they all own multiple large homes and yachts and they fly around the world in private jets pushing their propaganda. Not to mention some people such as Al Gore actually profit from Carbon Taxes and other green energy laws. If they actually believed what they preached they would be leading quite different lives.

2,542 Responses to Top Ten Reasons Climate Change is a Hoax

  1. Larry Wilson March 26, 2019 at 2:58 pm #

    it has gotten warmer since the end of the Ice Age. Maybe all the ice was melting then because the cave men were cooking on wood fires. Were did all that ice go? It’s called the Great Lakes now!

  2. thejbk7 March 27, 2019 at 5:53 pm #

    Until the Global warming climate change “scientists” actually gain some common sense and admit they have no solid accurate evidence, admit that man causes and can prevent global fluctuations is egotistical at best. Funny how the planets human population isn’t mentioned or man’s reintroduction of water pumped from centuries old aquifers underground isn’t figured into their predictions. Funny how no mention of reducing roads and buildings retaining said radiated heat is mention/factored in, instead these same global warming snobs (like California) want more housing and more (illegal aliens) to drain the environment and stressing it’s natural abundance! You want Solar and Windfarms? Just how many lithium batteries and windmills is that going to take to rely on this form of energy supply?
    Windmills are supplying 20% of North Americas energy needs, they also kill 140.000-328.000 birds annually. How many more Windfarms will be needed to approach 100% energy needs? How many Batteries requiring how much lithium mined to store energy requirements? Global warming is the cry that shifts trillions of dollars into investors like Gore’s pockets, greed is the danger here.

  3. BigDuck March 31, 2019 at 8:51 pm #

    So, the ones like Al Gore and AOC are preaching climate change and we need to do our part by getting rid of cars and planes. But I guess Al Gore didn’t read his own memos because he fly’s around in his private plane. Then recently AOC was asked at the airport why she flew instead of using the train which has less carbon footprint. She said it saved her voters time and money… Ouch can’t practice what you preach makes it hard for some us to take you seriously…

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  6. Grace by Faith April 10, 2019 at 5:47 pm #

    If there is any actual global warming or climate change it’s because they’re creating it, they use defense department funds because they consider us the enemy, cancers on earth and slaves to uphold the fake debt. They have deployed all sorts of weather misery on us. They need evidence of it which they’ll fake because they create it so we’ll go along with their tyrannical Agenda 21/30 and ridiculous carbon tax (we breathe it out) and ration energy, food and transporation, lowering our standards of living from quality of life, to quality of place.

    That place is a smart megacity where you will work on the first floor of the building where you live in a stack & pack smart 200sq ft box, with a box on your head for virtual, well, everything because it will be too expensive or inconvenient to use public transportation or a bike, like when it rains, when you’re taking your kids to school and when you’re trying to do grocery shopping for the week for a family of 5. Not easily done on a freaking bus or bike. They’re all insane and we’d better put a stop to it before it’s too late.

  7. Pat April 11, 2019 at 5:03 pm #

    Man made globaling warming is a hoax and designed to tax people and use the money to finance mass migration from the third world into europe and United States. Kalargi Plan. Europeans have more children or the globalists will replaced you with low IQ people who are easier to control and manipulate.

  8. honigs April 28, 2019 at 9:07 am #


  9. armeniaman April 28, 2019 at 5:12 pm #

    What a poor article. You have a cold winter in America and then claim global warming is a hoax.

    • R. Kooi June 5, 2019 at 11:41 pm #

      Well put. THANK YOU !
      the US occupies 2.5% of the Earth…what an awful random sample.

      The funny thing is that Temps world wide were HIGH.

  10. Phillip Parker May 29, 2019 at 10:13 am #

    Climate change is real and the evidence is in the cosmos. Earth’s magnetic pole, the moon’s magnetic pole, the Sun’s magnetic pole and even Mars (which has a really weak magnetic field) have all had pole tilts. This is delaying the effects of the season. It has put the solar minimum/maximum 7 years cycles out of whack and it is responsible for the movement of a permafrost. The problem is – politicians can’t tax it.

    • R. Kooi June 5, 2019 at 11:40 pm #

      No support in science…any where.

  11. Yougottabe Dryhumpinme June 3, 2019 at 6:42 pm #

    Believe it or not, the climate tends to change. WOW!!!!!!

    • R. Kooi June 5, 2019 at 11:39 pm #

      “OVER 100’s of Millions of Years!
      “Where are we currently in the nature’s cycle (Milankovitch cycles)?”
      (Milankovitch cycles are primary causes of ICE AGES/Glaciations and their end.)
      Earth’s Orbit (and Axial Tilt/Wobble) pull us away from the sun & Trigger Cooling/Glaciations.
      Conversely, When they return toward the Earth, oceans warm triggering CO2 release & Massive Warming.
      This Is where CO2 & other greenhouse gasses take control of the Inter Glacial Warm Periods for thousands of years.
      (THIS Holocene Inter Glacial Warm Period PEAKED in temperatures 7,500-9,000 years ago)
      Since then, there has been an overall cooling trend, consistent with a continuation of this ‘NATURAL’ cycle,
      This cooling should continue for tens of thousands of years into the future if all else remained the same.”
      much of the last 1000 years is Called the ‘ LITTLE ICE AGE ‘.
      A Testiment to this ‘NATURAL’ cycle.

      ICE AGE because of those cooling temperatures.
      “LITTLE” because it ENDED.

      Look for yourself:
      ——————->Notice, even though the cyclical causes of Glaciation Continue,
      Temperaturess Leveled and then, in complete breech of normalcy, increased in late 1700’s !
      “But since 1750-1820 however,
      the CO2 content of the atmosphere has dramtically DEVIATED from the natural cycle.
      “Instead of decreasing, it has increased because of the fossil-fuel burning,
      Clear cutting forests for lumber/energy/farm land, & industrial agricultural techniques etc..

      (Burning Forests for farm land, Clear cutting forest for lumber & fuel,
      extensive strip mining, building large weather changing cities,
      as well as Coal/pitch/peat/oil for energy & heat.)
      “Methane and nitrous oxide have also increased UNNATURALLY because of agricultural practices and other factors.
      “The world has NOW, warmed Unnaturally.
      Terminating Earth’s most powerful NATURAL CYCLE.
      “We are now deviating wildly from the natural cycle.”

  12. Jonathan Osterman June 4, 2019 at 12:54 am #

    Did you even read the article for item 1?

  13. GOOSE June 5, 2019 at 5:10 am #

    I don’t care one bit about “climate change” AKA; Global Warming. Reason being Is the hypocrites that push this on us, Al Gore uses private jets, massive amounts of water and private escorts (over six vehicles) for himself. Its such a joke and a con, when all these actors push this when they themselves use private jets and vehicles. When these other nations do not one bit. Yet the United States will bankrupt itself while other countries prosper (*happened during the Hussein Obama administration). What a joke and the biggest con of the 21st century.

    • R. Kooi June 5, 2019 at 11:36 pm #

      Al Gore is a failed politician, he is not now, nor has he ever been a Scientist.
      Every Wealthy person takes advantage of such wealth…take for example Donald Trump.
      Equally important is the FACT that Our Sun’s ” Energy Output ” has DECREASED a bit over the last 50 years…all the while these temperatures have been rising.
      Solar Energy Decreases, YET Global Warming Increases, more rapidly.
      SO, What Terminated Earth’s MOST powerful NATURAL CLIMATE CHANGE Cycle ?
      What Terminated 8,000 years of falling temperatures, the Little Ice Age ?
      Only the Enhanced Green House Effect fully Explains this ongoing event!

      These are not ideas which have been invented by Al Gore or Modern Science or Marxism.
      Alexander von Humboldt studied, worried and postulated that
      Human Activities / Pollution would CAUSE CLIMATE CHANGE!
      Strip Mining entire mountain tops, Clear Cutting entire Forests,
      burning Coal/Peat/Wood/Oil, building huge cities which have their own climates
      The First USE of ” CLIMATE CHANGE ” STILL in use today.
      Thomas Jefferson also penned a paper on observed climate changes
      which he stated was probably caused by man…and had many discussions with John Adams
      on these climate changes.
      1804 : Thomas Jefferson On Climate Change | Real Science
      “A change in our climate is taking place very surely. Both heat and cold are becoming moderate within the memory of even the middle-aged,
      and snows are less frequent and less deep.” – Thomas Jefferson 1804″

      Science Tied Warming, Climate Changes directly to Human Activities & Industrialization.
      Jean-Baptiste Fourier calculates that the Earth would be far colder if it lacked an atmosphere
      “….a paper entitled “Circumstances affecting the heat of the sun’s rays,” by Eunice Foote.
      In two brisk pages, Foote’s paper anticipated the revolution in climate science
      by experimentally demonstrating the effects of the sunlight on certain gases
      and theorizing how those gases would interact with Earth’s atmosphere for the first time.
      In a column of the September 1856 issue of Scientific American titled “Scientific Ladies,”
      Foote is praised for supporting her opinions with “practical experiments.”
      The writers noted: “this we are happy to say has been done by a lady.”
      Foote’s research & paper
      demonstrated the interactions of the sun’s rays
      on different gases through a SERIES of experiments….”
      ((Variations of those fundamental Experiments are critiqued/taught in nearly every 1st year science course
      on colleges and Universities around the world.
      Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a Swedish scientist that was the first to claim in
      1896 that fossil fuel combustion may eventually result in enhanced global warming.
      1958 & again in 1965
      AAAS and the president’s Science Advisers presented Current Research Warning about centuries of Industrial pumping of Toxic Waste Products into our atmosphere, leading to threatening climate changes from Global Warming.
      Broecker is probably best-known for popularizing the term “global warming” through his 1975 paper
      “Climatic Change: Are We on the Brink of a Pronounced Global Warming?”

  14. revkenmcdonald June 6, 2019 at 2:56 am #

    Al Gore has hit on the best hox since God shovelled guts into mankind. He is making big money from it, more then he would have made if he had been elected as the President of the U.S.A. Even Mal Turnbull (Ex-Australian Prime Minister) is making money from this hoax with his carbon credits he is flogging of to industry. There are poor souls out there who actually believe what has been brandish around as fact about this hoax. It has cost millions of Dollars just through the closer of industries which have been priced out of the market because of elevated costs of electricity and gas with the decline of reliable power generation sorcerers. Solar and wind turbines will not return the expense of manufacture in dollar terms, they also generate more of that evil carbon which is the crutch of this hoax when being manufactured. At end of life they again emit carbon when being broken down to their basic metals. Plants use carbon to survive and they emit oxygen for the rest of us to survive. This hoax will be studied like War of the Worlds was years ago. About the same amount of people have been conned by it.

    • R. Kooi July 15, 2019 at 12:18 am #

      Gore is not a scientist…he is a failed politician.
      If you want to discuss SCIENCE, try learning something about science.

      Gore has not earned 1 DIME from any of his movies, books, speeches, college lectures etc….he donate every thing to the cause.

      Gore Runs a wildly successful venture capital firm and engages in some successful real estate ventures.

      Yes, Plants need CO2…WE have far more than all the plants on earth need.

      YOU are not a Turnip.
      YOU exhale CO2 because it is a TOXIC BY-PRODUCT of our digestive tract.
      Just like PEE and POOP.

  15. R. Kooi July 15, 2019 at 9:31 pm #

    Humans have NEVER existed outside of these levels of atmospheric Gasses before.—-> 180ppm-300ppm.
    Now Human Industry has rapidly forced CO2 (& other toxic gasses) above 415PPM…now Skeptic/Deniers are talking about a CO2 DROUGHT????
    We are not talking about JUST CO2.
    We are Talking about nearly 2 DOZEN atmospheric gasses … Like Methane, CFCs, Oxides etc. Most Harmful to Human life.
    and also
    Human life did not arise until the natural processes on Earth Removed 80% of CO2 & other Gasses from the Atmosphere.
    We have no long term studies to see what the effects from long term exposure to these high levels of CO2 or other gasses will be.
    Despite what this 80-year-old retired physicist Claims
    (physicists are not medical doctors, have no medical training what so ever)
    WE Humans HAVE
    WITHIN THESE atmospheric GAS LEVELS.
    between 180ppm and300ppm.
    For nearly 3 million years, ALL LIFE on Earth HAS FLOURISHED within these Atmospheric Gas levels.
    I can think of no compelling reason to argue with 3 million years of success !
    I can think of no compelling reason to experiment with all animal life on earth without random long term studies to determine the final outcome of such an experiment!

    CO2 has beneficially enabled life on Earth.
    (holding infra-red heat/warming the planet so life may proliferate)(has some fertilizer effect)
    (without CO2 + other Green House gases, Earth would be a Cold ROCK 0 degrees F.)
    This is the story of a little is good but a lot is deadly…consider Aspirin, for example.
    The Goldi Locks Level for humans of atmospheric CO2 has always been between 180ppm & 300ppm!
    We evolved to meet these numbers 180ppm to 300ppm overe hundreds of thousands of years.
    We have no idea what increasing those gasses in our atmophere will do to our grand Children’s DNA.
    We have NEVER existed outside of these levels of atmospheric gasses.
    Every Year a human has walked on Earth (hundreds of thousands of years)
    CO2 & other Gasses have ALWAYS been between 180ppm and 300ppm.
    CO2 has boosted plant life on Earth provided the required Nutrients, Minerals & H2O increase in proportion
    BUT Coincidentially, as CO2 levels have increased, Nutrient values of Grains the world has grown dependent upon, have FALLEN at a Faster Rate !
    LESS Iron
    LESS Protein
    LESS Zinc
    LESS Copper etc.
    IN all of the Staple Grains that the world has become dependent upon !
    So you see, CO2 has some current benefits & some immediate challenges to human well being !
    CO2 Kills!
    CO2 is a pollutant. ALL ANIMALS ON EARTH EXHALE CO2 to dispose of this Poisonous waste product, JUST LIKE pee and poop!
    It kills, since it IS a Poison
    It kills, since it IS an Asphyxiant
    (heavier than air, it smothers life)
    (the higher the level of CO2, the lower the level of Oxygen)
    EVERY LARGE Building ON EARTH is MANDATED TO HAVE A Fresh Air Recirculation System! In order to fight the VERY HARMFUL effects of CO2 settling in basements and SEALED ROOMS.
    AS atmospheric CO2 levels increase, so does the THREAT of CO2 in basements, sealed rooms, in protected valleys/glades.
    Carbon dioxide led to death in McDonald’s bathroom September 14, 2011 1:38 p.m. EDT
    STORY HIGHLIGHTS: The carbon dioxide built up to toxic levels in the bathroom
    An 80-year-old woman died after the incident September 7, lethal dose of carbon dioxide, authorities said Wednesday….”

    CO2 is heavier than air, so the concentration near the floor will be much higher,”
    as well as protected glades, basements and sealed rooms.
    “Higher Concentrations of CO2 in the Atmosphere increases incidents of
    threatening concentrations at ground levels and basements…”
    “One person, recounting the fate of eight men and one woman who walked
    into a basement area where the gas had accumulated, said they “fell down DEAD
    as if they had been shot.”

    EVERY large building on EARTH has Fresh Air Recirculation Systems in order to fight off
    effects of CO2 build up!

  16. Craig July 16, 2019 at 5:57 pm #

    Tragically those whose Synaptic pathways are completely scrambled and are afflicted with and suffering from such an intense form of psychosis there is no known cure for it are in control of all media, printed word, opinions carried over the airwaves, and of course Cyberspace, enter the phrase “Those who believe in climate change are idiots,” and you will see nothing but articles of just the opposite being true, yes it is us who believe Global warming, because that is the consensus among the Looney Libtards and that it is due to industrialization.

    Why should the United States have to cut back on burning CO2 producing Fossil fuels when the nations like China and probably just about every major industrial nation produce far more CO2 gases from burning far more coal than we do.

  17. Locorogue August 1, 2019 at 3:16 pm #

    zionism has won.

  18. Tom V August 6, 2019 at 3:15 am #

    Elmer Beauregard, WHERE did you get this BE info?? Tell me! Global warming is extreme temperatures! Not just warming, but extreme cold is a part of global warming. IT’S EXTREMES! Today, August 5, 2019 it got up to 119 degrees F. in Phoenix! That’s four degrees warmer than the previous record of 115 in 1995. The average is 106. We had the COOLEST May on record! Check this out! July was the hottest month EVER recorded on earth!

  19. R. Kooi August 19, 2019 at 11:26 pm #
    “I add, there “Was and Is a long track-record ” in the ” scientific literature ” of successful projections/predictions by climate models.
    It was collected and documented by Barton Paul Levenson, I quoted Barton as follows below .
    “Global Warming Science & Climate Models have successfully predicted for over 60 YEARS!
    See the 1958 & 1965 AAAS & Presidential Advisory Councils Research Reports & Warnings on Global Warming which causes Climate Change.
    That the globe would warm, .
    ((directly counter to the Mini ICE Age myth perpetuated by the Skeptic/Fossil Fuel Industrialists
    —a mini ice age PREDICTED in the ’70s, & again in the 80’s, ’90’s, 2007-2009, 2015, 2016, 2018. and now again in 2020,
    we will be up to our assets in that mini ice age in 2020))
    2. about how fast it would warm,
    3. about how much it would warm.
    4. That the troposphere would warm
    5. The stratosphere would cool.
    (( ))
    (( not one SKEPTIC has offered any full scientific explanation for this GLOBAL WARMING SCIENCE PROOF ))
    6. That nighttime temperatures would increase more than daytime temperatures.
    (( ))
    7. That winter temperatures would increase more than summer temperatures.
    (( After all of the SUB ZERO temps this year, Wisconsin meteorologists pooled their data and found nite time winter cold temps have WARMED 10 degrees of the last 40 years))
    8. Polar amplification (greater temperature increase as you move toward the poles).
    Arctic amplification | National Snow and Ice Data Center
    (( ))
    9. That the Arctic would warm faster than the Antarctic.
    Arctic melt versus Antarctic freeze: Is Antarctica warming ……/11/arctic-melt-versus-antarctic-freeze-antarctica-warming-or-not
    10. The magnitude (0.3 K) and duration (two years) of the cooling from the Mt. Pinatubo eruption.
    11. They made a retrodiction for Last Glacial Maximum sea surface temperatures which was inconsistent with the paleo evidence, and better paleo evidence showed the models were right.
    12. They predicted a trend significantly different and differently signed from UAH satellite temperatures, and then a bug was found in the satellite data.
    13. The amount of water vapor feedback due to ENSO.
    14. The response of southern ocean winds to the ozone hole.
    15. The expansion of the Hadley cells.
    16. The poleward movement of storm tracks.
    17. The rising of the tropopause and the effective radiating altitude.
    18. The clear sky super greenhouse effect from increased water vapor in the tropics.
    19. The near constancy of relative humidity on global average.
    20. That coastal upwelling of ocean water would increase.
    ———–> Broecker is probably best-known for popularizing the term “global warming” through his 1975 paper
    . “Climatic Change: Are We on the Brink of a Pronounced Global Warming?”
    ————> Spot On Accurate Projections of Threatening Climate Changes from Human Triggered Global Warming.
    ———————-> The planet IS accumulating heat !

  20. nightrale814 August 24, 2019 at 7:29 pm #

    Holy fuck, I know this is 5 years outdated but this shit is still relevant to this day. What fucking idiot actually believes any of this? Climate change denier discourses need to be silenced. The combination of fucking dumbasses like this, big corporations and idiotic dictators like the baby orangutan in the United Shithole States and the fat toddler with stupid looking glasses in North Korea is what’s going to kill us all. “Record Ice,” “Record Snow,” PISS OFF.

    • Kenneth Clark August 24, 2019 at 8:01 pm #

      So you must be Progressive Democrat who, like your ancestors the slave owners, still believe that you are superior to others.
      The ones who work the fields better agree or keep their mouth shut or they be tied to the whipping post and beat within an inch of their life and everything they may have be taken.
      No civil discourse. My way or be destroyed.
      …tell you what. YOU PISS OFF before you are pissed on.

      • nightrale814 August 12, 2020 at 10:18 pm #

        Jesus lol. The cringe. I LOVE how you Amerikkkans AUTOMATICALLY ASSUME that anyone that doesn’t agree with bunker bitch Donald, that they 1. Must be liberal/democrat, 2. Must be in support of ppl like Biden/Hillary, 3. Must be from Amerikkka. Are you that mentally challenged that you regurgitate the same idiocies every time you see someone disagreeing with your moronic Trump? Holy fuck they brainwashed you well 🤣 Hey Amerikkkan? How’s that PANDEMIC treating ya? 160,000k dead, 40 million unemployed, civil unrest. Having fun? Your comment doesn’t even include any factual evidence for anything against climate change being real, it’s just insults LMAO. Have fun injecting Lysol. We will keep laughing at Amerikkka. People are celebrating cause Amerikkka will NEVER BE A SUPERPOWER AGAIN 🤣🤣🤣 Good luck, bitch.

        • Kenneth Clark August 12, 2020 at 10:48 pm #

          I am well during COVID, thank you.
          Brainwashed? Nah… just realistic.
          Done with the “Chicken Little… the sky is falling” sheeple that follow rather than lead.
          From what ever continent you reside, I hope your rulers do not decide you are no longer of value to them.

  21. Phala Lee August 26, 2019 at 12:49 pm #

    Climate change is normal! Watch Voyage of the Continents on Amazon Prime, a series about tatonic plates that are still changing land masses and water masses and will continue as long as there is an earth.

  22. boys3rsk August 26, 2019 at 6:15 pm #

    Biggest SCAM since “o”bamacare. Both brought to you by the communist, democrats to EXTRACT money out of every American. 90% of all scientists say global warming in a SCAM. Most American’s agree, just like “o’bamacare.

  23. Joshua Flack September 1, 2019 at 11:48 pm #

    I can;t find my previous comment again, i’m assuming it was removed

    Half of the comments here are done by R. Kooi
    Looking through it I would just like to say, R. Kooi. Please get a life

    I’m leaving this now i have better shit to do

    • R. Kooi September 22, 2019 at 4:31 pm #

      Yes Dear, but since you left me, I have nothing to do!!

  24. Raiders Fan September 21, 2019 at 3:11 am #

    Has the world not warmed and cooled over the eons, long before man was here? Yes. Der…

    • R. Kooi September 22, 2019 at 4:30 pm #

      The last Rapid Temperature change occurred exiting the last Glaciation(iceage)
      about 12000 years ago…

      5C in 5,000 years.
      … that is about

      0.1C per decade.
      1.4C per century

      We are warming 14 times faster (& increasing) than historic record.

      Add to that dramatic increase in temps
      …the fact that we are in the Milankovitch cycles where we should be COOLING!
      … but counter to Earth’s most Powerful Natural Cycle…we are warming !

  25. Nigel Southway September 29, 2019 at 1:32 pm #

    The other point is that CO2 has almost a zero effect on climate change and its clear mankind has little role.. the solar effects are far greater…. BUT.. we do have a firm effect on pollution and not just the air….so we do need to rethink globalization and build more sustainable economies and it does not mean stopping the use of carbon.. but watching its by products such as plastics in the sea ways and the over use of transport ships and use less wasteful transportation and manufacturing destinations from an ecological aspect… etc. … In other words rethink globalized manufacturing and extended supply chains… people will pollute less if its created in their own back yard and we will waste less if we have to make grow and mine what we consume.

  26. rbiermann September 30, 2019 at 4:15 pm #

    As early as 1989, the UN was already trying to sell their “tipping point” rhetoric on the public. See: U.N. Warning of 10-Year ‘Climate Tipping Point’ Began in 1989 – Excerpt: According to July 5, 1989, article in the Miami Herald, the then-director of the New York office of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Noel Brown, warned of a “10-year window of opportunity to solve” global warming. According to the 1989 article, “A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ‘eco-refugees,’ threatening political chaos.”

  27. That Gay Cousin November 16, 2019 at 7:40 pm #

    I have never in my life seen such petty and useless discussions. All of you are here discussing if climate change is real. All you people living in the U.S. with no degrees in science are going against multiple scientists with multiple degrees. While you are arguing, please keep in mind Bangladesh’s ground line is receding as the water continues to ‘eat’ at it. Antarctica holds about 70% of the world fresh water, and it’s melting as we speak. Florida is a flat land, so is California. They are going to be flooded extremely fast. So while you discuss this, watch Greenland melt, watch Florida flood, watch these hurricanes worsen, watch the world die, then tell me what you see.

    • Kenneth Clark November 16, 2019 at 8:23 pm #

      Never been to California I presume. It is mountainous with the highest peak at over 14,000 feet and growing. Yes there are some low lying areas but definitely not flat by any means. So, what ever “Degreed Scientists” you gleaned your information from is far, far away in a land of his/her own attempting to make people believe something that is obviously a lie.

      Just a bit of advice, never take someone’s word. Degreed or not. Research yourself and learn the truth.

      Yes, climate changes at least 4 times per year. Some of these periods are shorter or longer depending upon your geographic location. These times have the common names of; Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring.

      Throughout world history there have been massive changes. These cannot be stopped by man as they were never caused by man. These are natural cycles of our planet to keep its self in check. If humans have chosen to live along coast lines they should at the least know a little history of our planet’s cycles as one day it will happen again.

      • That Gay Cousin November 17, 2019 at 8:46 pm #

        Sorry I think I was unclear I meant parts of California are low lying lands. It also doesn’t matter if the land is flat or not, sooner or later we all might be under water. Just look at Venice, parts of it has waist deep water and people still debate climate change, which annoys me. Many scientists have already confirmed it since 40 years ago. Now it’s impossible to prevent climate change….we can only slow it down.

        • Kenneth Clark November 20, 2019 at 1:20 pm #

          The people of Venice have travelled by Gondola for Centuries. They built Venice basically in the water.
          I’m sure you’ve heard the story of building a house in the sand and when the rain comes what happens… you always build on high, solid ground.
          Technology cannot not, nor will it ever stop Mother Nature when she decides it’s time for a change. Just look at previous ice ages, the Sahara Desert was once a vast Oasis, there is much evidence that much of the US was once under water.
          Warming and cooling of the earth is a natural cycle. The difference this time is that politicians are monetizing it and using fear mongering to accomplish their goal. There is no amount of money gonna stop or slow down what Mother Nature is going to do.

      • R. Kooi December 26, 2019 at 4:37 pm #

        “Throughout world history there have been massive changes. ”

        That may be true…but humans in those Eras did not terminate Earth’s largest most powerful NATURAL CYCLES….
        The Milankovitch Cycles.

        This Holocene Inter Glacial Warm Period PEAKED 6500 to 7500 years ago. Temps. have been falling (in spurts & sputters) since then…and should have continues for ten thousands of years more.

        Yet Suddenly in the late 1700s…that era ended.
        The Little Ice Age came to an end.


    • R. Kooi December 26, 2019 at 4:28 pm #

      The highly populated coast of California, certainly is flat…

  28. Victor Lawson December 12, 2019 at 10:28 pm #

    If the NWO communists can get a majority of countries to buy into the warming hoax they think they can get NWO passage of the carbon credits hoax, essentially a tax to exist, to live and breathe. Carbon credits would be the biggest hoax ever and would cause world wide warfare and chaos. You don’t EVER want to see a carbon credits tax (hoax) implemented.

    • R. Kooi December 26, 2019 at 4:26 pm #

      Warming Hoax?

      WHAT HOAX are you referring to?
      Over the last 20 years,
      The 2 Satellite Skeptic Scientists, who are THE most CITED source for
      CONTRARIAN / DENIALIST Paid-For-Opinion-Media:
      (( Daily Caller, Breitbart, Twitchy, New American etc. ))
      Dr. Roy Spencer / Dr. John Christy
      —————-> The SKEPTIC Satellite Science Guys!
      1st ( the “GLOBAL WARMING PAUSE”)
      2nd ( the “GLOBAL WARMING HIATUS”)
      3rd ( the “GLOBAL Cooling”)
      After ALL of those Press Releases from Oil & Coal P.R. departments in the 1970s proclaiming a mini ice age/a great cooling was around the corner! Prompting 100’s & 100’s of Newspaper scare headlines.

      and then again in the ’80s, twice in the ’90s , 2007-2009, 2015/2016 etc.
      The UAH’s SKEPTIC Dr. John Christy / his partner Dr. Roy Spencer
      —BOTH having predicted that Global Warming would End around 2000,
      and then again…it would end with the cyclical solar minimum of 2007-2009…and then again…it would end around 2015 and NOW WE HAVE PREDICTIONS in the opinion media of a
      ushering in a mini ice age (what again?).
      — THEY admitted just a few months ago, that UAH data NOW confirms an “rapid UPWARD Global climate temperature trend SINCE Nov.16, 1978 Temperatures have been increasing for 40+ year !

      Bet you didn’t read that at Daily Caller or Breitbart.
      [of] +0.14+ C / decade [1/4F]/decade.”
      THAT amounts to a rate of 1.4C / 100 years.

      NOTE, temps. HAD risen 0.85 to 1.15C over the PREVIOUS century, actual human measurements.
      SO THIS NEW CHRISTY RATE 1.4C / 100 years is a 30%+ increase in the rate of warming over that PREVIOUS century!
      1.4C per 100 Years
      During the end of the last Glaciation, some 12,000 yrs ago, temps increased by a norm of 5C over 5,000 years. THAT is 0.1 C per 100 years.
      HUMANS are raising temperatures around the world ‘ 14 ‘ times FASTER than Plants & Animals are able to adapt to.
      * * * * * *
      Spencer & Christy
      Effectively have ADMITTED for the FIRST TIME:
      1. NO PAUSE in Global Warming ! ….. NONE !
      2. NO HIATUS in Global Warming! ….. NONE !
      3. Sure as hell, > NO COOLING ! ……..NONE !
      Dr. SPENCER:
      “my UAH cohort & boss John Christy, who does the detailed matching between satellites, is pretty convinced that the RSS data is undergoing SPURIOUS COOLING because RSS is still using the old NOAA-15 satellite which has a decaying orbit…”
      This Release now brings ALL satellite data into a rough alignment with over 40,000 ground Weather/Climate Stations covering the world.

  29. nieve_elrey December 25, 2019 at 2:41 pm #

    Climate change has occurred for eons, long before mankind inhabited the Earth. It’s a political power grab and a means to effect massive redistribution of wealth worldwide.

    • R. Kooi December 26, 2019 at 4:15 pm #

      This is one of Earth’s cycles…The Holocene INTER GLACIAL warm period … predictable as clock work.
      This Period Peaked in temperature around 6500 to 7500 years ago.
      Since then, Temperatures have been falling…with brief spurts in Temps…but falling.
      Take a LooK:
      – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
      The Massive Redistribution of Wealth has been ongoing for nearly a century.
      The Massive Fossil Fuel Industries hold near monopolistic control on the energy and heating business world wide.

      The Fossil Fuel Industry, despite consistent profitability, has had its hand in taxpayers pockets since 1918.

      At the Start of the 21st century, about 1% of the Entire World’s Gross Domestic Product was devoted to Subsidies, Supports for the profitable Fossil Fuel Industries.

      During 2016, about 6.5% of the Entire WORLD’S GDP—many Trillions of dollars was Supports & Subsidies & Freebies for COAL, OIL, GAS.

      ALL OF that is in addition to profits from sales.

      Trillions of Dollars into the hands of a few thousand families and their Global Deep State Bankers.
      And, along with that…the huge increase in Natural Disasters largely caused by the Fossil Fuel dumping of Toxic Chemicals/Gasses into our atmosphere…the Repairs to infra structure, the increased governmental debts, are ALL BANKED by these GLOBAL Deep State Bankers.

  30. Janet Kay Poe January 2, 2020 at 12:40 pm #

    Yet another way to tax us. The government need to to stop brain washing American people and tell them the truth we need more money and let Al Gore profit from it. if they truly cared they would STOP the building of 10,000 square foot houses what a waste!!!!

  31. Crazyman109 January 31, 2020 at 11:36 pm #

    Nature is causing climate change yes, but nature hardly produces CO2, Man produces more CO2 than nature’s less than 1%, yes climate change natually happens, but mankind is making it worse. And there is no taxes for climate change.

    • R. Kooi February 1, 2020 at 12:17 am #

      Roughly every two years,
      we’re treated to headlines repeating that 1970’s ice age myth that Earth is headed for an imminent “mini ice age.”
      Roughly every two years,
      the Fossil Fuel Industrialists receive a spurt in Profits based on those Mythological Headlines.
      It happened in the 70’s, the 80’s, the 90’s, 2007-2009, 2013, 2015,
      and again just recently at the tail end of 2017 thru 2020.
      We are, again, hearing about a NEW GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM, a Mini ICE AGE this year.
      “The UAH’s Dr. Roy Spencer & Dr. John Christy?
      —Both leading skeptic/deniers?
      —Both having predicted that Global Warming would End around 2000 as the Earth would return to its falling temps, as we enter the next Glaciation.
      —reported just a few months ago, the UAH data shows A “Global Temperature/Climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978 [of] +0.14C [0.22+F]
      ——————-> every decade” since then!
      ——-> (no Pause in Warming? not even a slow down?)
      That is 1.4C per century!
      In Geologic History, a normal rise in temps was 5C over 5000 years!
      (( —> 0.1C per century ))
      versus human caused temperature rise of over ((1.4C in 100 years! ))
      ((We are driving temps 14 times FASTER than normal))

      Temperatures have been increasing all along !
      NO Global Warming PAUSE ! —–> NONE !
      NO Global Warming HIATUS ! —–> NONE !
      sure as hell,
      > > NO COOLING ! —–> NONE !
      Dr. SPENCER:
      “my UAH cohort & boss John Christy, who does the detailed matching
      between satellites, is pretty convinced that the RSS data is undergoing
      ” SPURIOUS COOLING ” because RSS is still using the old NOAA-15
      satellite which has a decaying orbit…”
      Spencer & Christy found it ” ideologically convenient ” to allow the
      decay inaccuracies to support their previous fallacious predictions.
      2014 was the hottest temperatures ever recorded
      2015 was the hottest temperatures ever recorded
      2016 was the hottest temperatures ever recorded
      2017 was the hottest 2nd to 2016 !
      2018 just snuggled in between these 2

      2019 snuggled in next to 2016…
      WE HAVE THE HOTTEST 5 YEARS in thousands of years!
      “A Maddening Corrupting Influence of Commerce & Capitalism and

  32. Russ Littler February 7, 2020 at 3:58 pm #

    So, to quote Mr Einstein, he stated that: “Energy can never be created or destroyed. It can only ever transfer or transform”. so, if we look at what the implications of that are, we begin to realise that the climate change claim is one big hoax. The matter, elements, energy, and particles of this planet are all contained within Earth atmosphere and do not escape into space, (at least CO2 doesn’t), so eventually all matter will reduce back to it’s original state. The only way the earth can change the amount of heat/energy it has at it’s disposal, has to come from an outside source, ie, electro-magnetic radiation ( sun light). So, the single biggest factor for an imbalance in CO2 excess in the atmosphere is not mans burning of carbon, but the amount of deforestation and desertification that has been allowed to happen over the last 4000 years due to poor animal husbandry. Simply renewing vegetable matter (reforestation, which is easily done) to reclaim the earths deserts would halt this imbalance.

    • R. Kooi February 7, 2020 at 4:15 pm #

      Mankind did not, could not exist UNTIL 80% of Earth’s atmospheric CARBON was sequestered.
      we are digging up that carbon, and burning that carbon, thereby adding that carbon to our atmosphere.

      You could not reforest enough land and have it grow fast enough to touch what human agriculture and industry are pumping into our atmosphere.

      The Heat DOES come from an outside force….the SUN.
      That High Energy Solar Radiation
      (largely NON reactive with Earth’s atmospheric gasses)
      Warms Earth/Atmosphere…then radiates to the cold of space As LOW ENERGY IR Thermal Radiation.
      ((..this type of radiation is highly re-active with earth’s atmospheric gasses.))
      Here is the science/history:
      With the understanding that Human Industry/Agriculture were PUMPING over 120 times MORE CO2 (working with H2O in a multiplier effect) & 2 Dz. other Greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than all Earth’s Volcanoes, combined, every year.
      The World’s Leading Scientific Minds & specifically, virtually all of NASA SCIENTISTS,
      the Effects of Greenhouse Gasses on climate for decades!…for a century!
      ((( )))
      In 1970,
      NASA launched the IRIS/satellite that Observed & Measured in detail the
      Escaping Infra Red THERMAL Low-Energy Radiation spectra between 400 cm-1 to 1600 cm-1.
      ( Google:> IRIS-Satellite Research)

      In 1996,
      the Japanese Space Agency launched the IMG/satellite which recorded similar observations.
      (Google:.> IMG-Satellite Research)
      Both sets of data were compared to discern any changes in escaping
      infra red thermal radiation over the 26 year period
      (Google.> Harries Research Study, 2001).
      They found a Dramatic DROP in Escaping (earth cooling) Infra Red THERMAL Radiation
      at the Precise wavelength bands that greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) & methane (CH4) absorb energy !

      While ESCAPING Infra Red THERMAL Radiation is DECREASING.
      Green House Gases were INCREASING ! (hand in glove)
      The change in ESCAPING I.R. THERMAL radiation is consistent with theoretical expectations & Global Warming Science Predictions.
      Research & Numerous Studies have found:
      ——————-> “direct experimental empirical evidence for a significant increase in the Earth’s greenhouse effect”/GLOBAL Warming.
      This result has been confirmed by NUMEROUS subsequent Research & Studies using more recent satellite data, Digital Balloon Launches,etc.
      The 1970 & 1997 spectra were compared with additional satellite data
      from the > NASA AIRS satellite launched in 2003
      ( Google > Griggs Research Study 2004).
      This analysis was extended to 2006
      using data from the —–> AURA satellite launched in 2004
      (Google: > Chen 2007 research Study)
      Research found the observed differences in CO2 bands matching the expected changes from rising carbon dioxide levels.
      * AGAIN > We have empirical evidence that increased CO2 is causing an enhanced greenhouse effect. (Warming)
      ** ALL, These research studies & papers found
      > “direct experimental evidence for a significant increase in the Earth’s greenhouse effect” (Global Warming).

      If Infra Red THERMAL RADIANT Energy does not escape,
      it MUST THEN be retained in our Earth System as:
      1. —–> raising temperatures,
      2. —–> warming rising seas,
      3. —–> melting Ice,
      along with acidification of oceans & human/animal blood levels)))

      These results has been confirmed by subsequent Research using data from later satellites.
      Google this SOURCE: > (Griggs 2004 )
      Google this SOURCE: > ( Chen 2007 )
      THIS research has been Peer Reviewed
      (adversary critiqued, red team/blue team)
      widely published & replicated repeatedly.

      Humans are Dumping More than 100-to-120 Times more CO2 into Earth’s Atmosphere than ALL of the Volcanoes,
      combined. Year after Year.
      ————> Decreased
      ————> Which should lead to Dramatic Cooling……but instead
      ————> Temperatures on Earth have “Dramatically Increased“
      ————> As Greenhouse Gasses have “Dramatically Increased

  33. R. Kooi February 9, 2020 at 12:07 am #

    “1. Record Ice
    In 2014 there was record sea ice in Antarctica in fact a global warming expedition got stuck in it. Arctic sea ice has also made a nice comeback in 2014. The Great lakes had record ice Lake Superior only had 3 ice free months in 2014. You’d think that in the hottest year ever that ice would be melting like Al Gore said.”
    Interesting how you do not get it through your skull that CLIMATE is a long Term Issue…not just 1 year that ” YOU PICK ” out of a 100+, in order to win an argument. foolish you look.
    Al Gore is not a scientist but a politician…Al Gore, however, NEVER said that the Arctic ICE ” would ” be gone by 2014. Rather that It ” COULD ” be gone during some summer months.

  34. R. Kooi February 9, 2020 at 12:20 am #

    “1. Record Ice
    In 2014 there was record sea ice in Antarctica in fact a global warming expedition got stuck in it. Arctic sea ice has also made a nice comeback in 2014. The Great lakes had record ice Lake Superior only had 3 ice free months in 2014. You’d think that in the hottest year ever that ice would be melting like Al Gore said.”

    Sorry you do not seem able to understand that CLIMATE is the study of LONG Term TRENDS…not just 1 Year, which you choose at random from a 100 or more, just to prove your point.
    In the 1940s and 1950s sailors were landed on the Arctic Ice to drill holes thru the ice.
    15 to 20 feet thick was common. Today it varies from 3 to 10 feet.
    Yep…you are right, it still gets cold in winter. By the Way Science measured those temps and science NEVER predicted an end to winter in our life times.
    As of February 13, 2014, the lakes were 88% ice covered. Graph adapted by NOAA, from an original provided by The Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab.
    Great Lakes ice cover most extensive since mid-90s | NOAA …

  35. R. Kooi February 9, 2020 at 3:18 pm #

    ” Natural ” Disasters have increased dramatically…in near lockstep with dramatically warming Temperatures and Temperatures have been in near lock step with rising human made greenhouse gases.

  36. Dan February 11, 2020 at 9:58 pm #

    Global fleecing is more like it. The open ended tax scam.

    • R. Kooi February 12, 2020 at 2:03 am #

      Yes. THAT IS WHAT ALL THOSE INCREASED GLOBAL DISASTERS Spell for all of us tax payers and victims.

    • R. Kooi February 14, 2020 at 2:34 pm #

      Congressman Paul Ryan
      gave a Lengthy Lamentation in August 2016,
      that by year’s end, the US would pass the $1 trillion mark
      in SUBSIDIES-FOR-THE-WEALTHY ” Profitable ” Industries
      ……….the Fossil Fuel Industries.
      $1 Trillion in the US to those profitable industries.
      Last Year the world reached an even more worrisome Record….6.5% of the entire world’s GDP is now being sucked up by the Fossil Fuel Industries & Industries that feed the fossils, and their bankers around the world.


      Green Energy Industries receive a few billions….
      and in response
      They have stabilized Electric Rates or Dropped Electric rates in states where they are allowed to compete.
      They have eliminated the NEED for COAL ELECTRIC DUMP SITES for TOXIC COAL ASH…thousands of them in 47 states.
      Of those measured, 91% of those toxic sites are LEACHING TOXINS into drinking water aquifers and/or LEAKING into streams and rivers.
      “Spending $1 million on investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency
      will create over 16 jobs within the U.S.,” Pollin calculates,
      “while spending the same $1 million on our existing fossil fuel infrastructure
      will generate about 5.3 jobs—i.e. building a green economy in the U.S. generates
      Roughly three times more jobs per dollar than maintaining our fossil fuel dependency.”

      Plugged In
      Wind Energy Is One of the Cheapest Sources of Electricity, It’s Getting Cheaper

  37. Stefan Gendron February 13, 2020 at 2:35 am #

    Green energy more pollution then a regular power plant.

    • R. Kooi February 13, 2020 at 2:43 am #

      THAT is a very old Turbine…decades and, so is the helicopter.
      The Golden Eagle was a case where an environmental study was ignored and the turbines were built in a mountain pass…they have been taken down.
      RABID Pro Fossil Fuel CLAIM:
      COAL is cheap energy (actually the most subsidized energy on earth) …Renewable Energy is expensive/Left Wing Conspiracy.
      (( Solar & Wind are FAR LESS Expensive/CREATE No Toxic Waste dumps like Killer COAL! ))
      – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
      “….Data made public by COAL power companies showed that of the 265 COAL ELECTRIC plants subject to the monitoring requirement, 241 – or 91 percent – showed unsafe levels of one or more TOXIC coal ash components in nearby groundwater compared to EPA standards, according to the analysis by the groups.

      “The report also found that 52 percent of those plants had unsafe levels of cancer-causing ARSENIC in nearby groundwater while 60 percent showed unsafe levels of LITHIUM, which can cause neurological damage.
      “Using industry’s own data, our report proves that coal plants are poisoning groundwater nearly everywhere they operate,”

      Dumping/Pumping Toxic Waste is the Cheapest Waste Disposal method (maximizes profits). Every year the nation’s CLEANEST Killer Coal ELECTRIC GENERATION plants produce
      140 million tons of HIGHLY TOXIC COAL ASH WASTE / Year ——> the toxic by-product that is left over after the coal is burned and Smoke is Scrubbed.
      THE CLEANEST COAL Electric PLANTS still produces MILLIONS of Tons of TOXIC Coal Ash / year.
      All that ash has to go somewhere, so it’s dumped in the backyards of power plants across the nation —into earth lined open-air ponds/pits / precarious surface-waste pools.
      Most of these sites lack ANY adequate safeguards, leaving nearby communities at risk from potential large-scale disasters like the massive coal ash spill in Tennessee in 2008
      from gradual yet equally dangerous contamination as coal ash toxins seep into drinking water Aquifers or are blown into nearby communities.
      Coal ash pollution/toxic waste contains high levels of toxic heavy metals such as
      cancer-causing agents.
      The public health hazards & environmental threats to nearby communities from unsafe coal ash dumping have been known for many DECADES, including increased risk of cancer, learning disabilities, neurological disorders, birth defects, reproductive failure, asthma (1 million new cases/yr.), and other illnesses.
      Coal ash is NOT subject to federal supervision, and state laws governing coal combustion waste disposal are weak or nonexistent.
      The result: TENS Millions of tons of TOXIC coal ash PRODUCED BY EACH COAL ELECTRIC PLANT are being stored in hundreds if not thousands of ponds, landfills, and abandoned mines…in 47 states.

    • R. Kooi April 26, 2020 at 1:37 pm #

      THREE videos purposely exaggerating individual issues to global extremes…in order to justify the HUGELY SUBSIDIZED FOSSILFUEL INDUSTRY and the HUGELY DISTRUCTIVE FOSSIL FUEL INDUSTRY.

      In 2016, The Fossils Bribed, Donated, Connived their way to gaining 6.5% of the entire world’s GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT….(many Trillions of Dollars)
      in Subsidies from governments/politicians around the world….THESE ARE ALL PROFITABLE INDUSTRIES!!!

  38. R. Kooi February 13, 2020 at 2:16 pm #

    Coal for Heat / Energy………..19th and 20th Century Technology
    Oil/Nuclear for Heat/Energy…..later 20th Century Technology
    Solar Wind for Heat/Energy…..21st Century Technology
    Solar and Wind are FAR LESS Expensive and getting less expensive.
    Coal & OIl are More Expensive and getting more expensive with increasing demands for higher and higher subsidies/supports.

  39. Χωρίς Όνομα February 20, 2020 at 11:39 pm #

    they called it “global worming” but the globe did not warm up enough to prove them right, so then they started calling it “climate change”. OMG that must be the most stupid term ever coined! Idiots, climate by default is meant to change. I will start worrying when climate stops changing. Idiots.l

    • R. Kooi February 21, 2020 at 12:29 am #

      Sorry Dear Boy…you are reading toooooo much Daily Caller and Breitbart.
      ..not known for telling the truth.
      CLIMATE CHANGE ” was used first.
      WHAT INTERUPTED EARTH’S most powerful natural cycle?
      Since then,
      temperatures have been rising for OVER 2 CENTURIES!
      (Thomas Jefferson and John Adams discussed this notable change.)
      Equally important is the FACT that Our Sun’s ” Energy Output ” has DECREASED over the last 50 years...all the while these temperatures have been rising.
      Look for yourself:
      Solar Energy Decreases,
      YET Global Warming Increases, more rapidly.
      What Terminated Earth’s Most powerful NATURAL CLIMATE CHANGE Cycle?
      For that matter,
      What Terminated the Little Ice Age ?
      Only the Enhanced Green House Effect fully Explains this ongoing event!
      These are not ideas! Invented by Modern Science, Dr. Michael Mann, Karl Marx or Groucho Marx.
      Alexander von Humboldt studied, worried and postulated that Human Activities / Pollution would CAUSE “CLIMATE CHANGE”! Strip Mining entire mountain tops, Clear Cutting entire Forests, burning Coal/Peat/Wood/Oil, building huge cities which create their own climates
      Alexander von Humboldt Coined the Term “Climate Change” in 1799.
      The First USE of ” CLIMATE CHANGE “/ the definition of which is still in use today.
      Thomas Jefferson also penned a paper on observed “climate change” which he stated
      was probably caused by man…and had many discussions with John Adams on these climate changes.
      Thomas Jefferson(scientist/philospher/politician) On Climate Change/Real Science.
      —–> “A change in our climate is taking place very surely.
      Both heat and cold are becoming moderate within the memory of even the middle-aged,
      and snows are less frequent and less deep.”
      Scientists Tied Warming, Climate Changes directly to Human Activities & Industrialization.
      Jean-Baptiste Fourier calculates that the Earth would be far colder if it lacked an atmosphere.
      “…Tyndall’s equipment, laboratory and experimental results were more sophisticated than Eunice Foote’s,
      and he is rightly credited with establishing the experimental basis for the greenhouse effect,
      first suggested by Swiss physicist Horace Bénédict de Saussure in the the 1760s and
      later developed by French mathematician Joseph Fourier in the 1820s
      and French physicist Claude Pouillet in 1836…”
      “….a paper entitled “Circumstances affecting the heat of the sun’s rays,” by Eunice Foote.
      In two brisk pages, Foote’s paper anticipated the revolution in climate science
      by experimentally demonstrating the effects of the sunlight on certain gases and
      theorizing how those gases would interact with Earth’s atmosphere for the first time.
      In a column of the September 1856 issue of Scientific American titled “Scientific Ladies,”
      Foote is praised for supporting her opinions with “practical experiments.”
      The writers noted: “this we are happy to say has been done by a lady.”
      Foote’s research & paper demonstrated the interactions of the sun’s rays
      on different gases through a SERIES of experiments….”
      ((Variations of those fundamental Experiments are critiqued/taught in nearly every 1st year science course on colleges and Universities around the world.))
      Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a Swedish scientist that was
      the first to claim in 1896 that fossil fuel combustion may eventually result in enhanced global warming.
      “Hulburt’s own calculations supported Arrhenius’s estimate that
      doubling or halving CO2 would bring something like a 4°C rise or fall of surface temperature,
      and thus “the carbon dioxide theory of the ice ages… is a possible theory.”(11)
      Hardly anyone noticed this paper. Hulburt was an obscure worker at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory,
      and he published in a journal, the Physical Review, that few meteorologists read.”
      Still, Science largely believed: “Fifty times more carbon is dissolved in sea water than in the wispy atmosphere.”
      “Just like the Sea, plants would grow more lush and thus That would Control/Balance CO2 influence on Climate.??
      It was thought “The a self-regulating mechanisms of the carbon cycle can cope with the present influx of carbon of fossil origin.”
      “…Callendar….concluded that over the past hundred years the concentration of the gas (CO2) had increased by about 10%. This rise, Callendar asserted, could explain the observed warming.
      “…Digital computers were now at hand for such calculations. The theoretical physicist Lewis D. Kaplan decided it was worth taking some time away from what seemed like more important matters to grind through extensive numerical computations. In 1952, he showed that in the upper atmosphere, adding more CO2 must change the balance of radiation….”
      and again in
      AAAS and the president’s Science Advisers presented Current Research & Warning about centuries of Industrial Dumping of Toxic Waste Products into our atmosphere, leading
      to threatening tumultuous Climate Changes from Global Warming.
      Broecker is probably best-known for popularizing the term “global warming” through his 1975 paper
      “Climatic Change: Are We on the Brink of a Pronounced Global Warming?” in which he predicted that emissions of carbon dioxide would raise global temperatures significantly in the 21st century. This is now seen as prophetic, but at the time, Dr. Broecker was an outlier.
      Read more:
      CO2..proves green house effect
      multiple lines
      of solid,
      Replicated Empirical Evidence ! !

      • Clark Magnuson March 9, 2020 at 3:02 pm #

        You are using the data that was revised by liberal crooks in 1995. Read the data before the fix was in.

        • R. Kooi April 26, 2020 at 1:33 pm #

          Noted SKEPTIC/DENIER Dr. Judith Curry has pointed out how foolish YOUR argument is…today’s data is ‘far more accurate’ than ever before.
          If you look at the tiny history I gave you in the previous comment
          shows you that the ENTIRE FOUNDATION OF GLOBAL WARMING CAUSED CLIMATE CHANGE…is way before 1995 ….and largely before computer models.
          So what’s with those adjustments…*Temperature Adjustments, making a mountain out of a mole hill:

    • R. Kooi April 26, 2020 at 1:40 pm #

      Never heard it called “global worming” before…though I can think of Some Fossil Fuel Billionaires who are squiggly ‘worm’ like critters.

  40. Nick April 13, 2020 at 1:26 pm #

    This article is a crock

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