Report: EPA’s Claimed Benefits Of Climate Rule Overblown By 15-Fold

epaThe Environmental Protection Agency has argued that its new climate rule will yield tens of billions of dollars in benefits in the coming decades by reducing carbon dioxide emissions from existing U.S. power plants.

But the supposed $30 billion in climate benefits in 2030 touted by the EPA is overstated, according to a new study by the liberal Brookings Institution. The agency’s methodology on the rule overstates the benefits to make its regulations more attractive.

A working paper by Brookings fellow Ted Gayer and Vanderbilt economist Kip Viscusi found that recent assessments of EPA climate policies have “shifted to a worldwide benefits approach, leading to a substantial increase in the estimated benefits.”

What does this mean? Global warming is a policy issue with no domestic solution. The U.S. may reduce emissions, but the benefits of those reductions to the U.S. alone would be minimal because it’s a global issue. This means the costs of fighting global warming often outweigh the domestic benefits.


2 Responses to Report: EPA’s Claimed Benefits Of Climate Rule Overblown By 15-Fold

  1. ttyler5 June 16, 2014 at 11:14 am #


  2. Cole July 9, 2014 at 7:02 am #

    Time to move to a third world country. The benefits going forward are going to be much better than in the U.S., Europe, and Japan…In reality, the global warming / climate change BS goes away when the industrialized nations go broke. Less than tens years if it stays on its current path.

    Japan, Europe, and the U.S. will default meaning the cash cow fueling this lie will vanish.

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