Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?

On October 14, Lord Christopher Monckton, a noted climate change skeptic, gave a presentation in St. Paul, MN. In this 4-minute excerpt from his speech, he issues a dire warning to all Americans regarding the United Nations Climate Change Treaty, scheduled to be signed in Copenhagen in December 2009.

Lord Monckton served as a policy adviser to Margaret Thatcher. He has repeatedly challenged Al Gore to a debate to which Gore has refused. Monckton sued to stop Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Truth” from being shown in British schools due to its inaccuracies. The judge found in-favor of Monckton, ordering 9 serious errors in the film to be corrected. Lord Monckton travels internationally in an attempt to educating the public about the myth of global warming.

There has been considerable debate raised about Monckton’s conclusion that the Copenhagen Treaty would cede US sovereignty. His comments appear to be based upon his interpretation of the The Supremacy Clause in the US Constitution (Article VI, paragraph 2). This clause establishes the Constitution, Federal Statutes, and U.S. TREATIES as the supreme law of the land. Concerns have been raised in the past that a particularly ambitious treaty may supersede the US Constitution. In the 1950s, a constitutional amendment, known as the Bricker Amendment, was proposed in response to such fears, but it failed to pass. You can read more about the Bricker Amendment in a 1953 Time Magazine article.

Click here  to watch Lord Monckton’s entire 95-minute speech in which he utterly destroys the so-called ‘science’ behind global warming.Â

Click here to read a draft copy of the treaty.

Click here  to see Obama’s speech to the UN on Climate Change.

Click here to learn what you can do to stop this from happening.

More video: Minnesota Majority’s interview with Lord Monckton [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]


807 Responses to Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?

  1. Venomous Bastard October 31, 2009 at 4:11 pm #

    Call it whatever you want. Climate change is indisputable as is the sun coming up in the morning or the cycle of the moon. We have equal control over all of these. There is more influence effected on global climate BY the earth, than by anything man does. In the 70s, these same scientists predicted that the next ice age would arrive by 2000. The bottom line is that they don’t know so they resort to ‘Can we afford to take the chance?’ An effort to do no more than perpetuate the programs that keep many of these people employed.

    Meanwhile, politicians take up the torch, on both sides and use the hysteria to shape public opinion and policy in thier favor. We, as voters, dutifully go along and cheer on the team of our choice, completely ignoring the fact that with each bill, treaty, executive order and other piece of legislation, we trade away a small portion of our freedon and soveriegnty. Or worse, we do nothing but shout and scream (whether or NOT we voted) at our elected officials to make sure that no matter WHAT they do, our little political group gets our little piece of the fat laiden pie. This being done as the Chinese, Russians, E.U. and much of the rest of the world sits back and watches the U.S. implode.

    Thomas Jefferson wrote: “Any government powerful enough to give you everthing you want, will be powerful enough to take everything you have. We are fast approaching that point, folks. This is why MOST politicians, whether they be left, right, up or down, could really give a rats rear end abbout what is good for you or me or this country. Vote them out and they will be replaced by the next idiot who will cow-tow to their party and their desire to be re-elected.

    Quit choosing sides and start educating yourself. Look for the facts and quit relying on political groups for your information. Quit being sheep and start taking responsibility for what is happening in Washington and your state and local governments. This issue is literally just the tip of the iceburg.

    • Irwin November 1, 2009 at 12:41 pm #

      I am in total agreement with your expressed thoughts. However, all of us who feel this way need a way to find one another. Somehow we need to be able to actually do something oher than just tell each other how disgusted we are. Perhaps that is a new poltical party, with all the negative implications; or maybe that will be a new, yet to be defined entity. Can someone please step forward to be our leader? My choice is Glenn Beck. I wonder how many of my fellow concerned citizens agree with me?

      • RonG November 2, 2009 at 1:04 am #

        Irwin, Exactly where do you think Glen Beck would led us? Exactly who do think would follow Glen Beck? Don’t you feel you should be even more exact and include Rush Limbaugh and Fallwell and if you can get his address maybe Satan too. Nice team.

        • John November 3, 2009 at 9:06 am #

          This is why America is where it is today, You have the majority on your side. Goodby America, hello big government.
          I am praying for the country.

        • Kris November 3, 2009 at 10:51 am #

          If you don’t agree with Glenn Beck or Rush, that’s fine. That’s your right. But putting them in the same category as Satan? Come on… Anyone can compare anyone with whom they’re not in agreement to him. It’s quite easy for me to say Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are in cahoots with Satan as well, but that would be lame… because they’re not.

          Oh, and by the way… it sounds like Irwin was asking for someone to step and lead something like a new political party. So, “lead us”? Don’t worry, you wouldn’t be a part of it.

      • E.MULLINStruth November 5, 2009 at 8:22 pm #

        Your country (government et al) is rotten to the core, and has been so since it’s inception.It was founded
        on corruption.If the vast majority of amerikans would be bothered to think critically,independently,and to choose
        to live in reality as opposed to living in a state of perpetual fantasy,then there might be a chance of redemption as
        a nation.The only plausible solution is for the majority of your populace to stop participating in THEIR system;
        stop paying taxes,stop working for the corporate entities,stop funding the owners of your country,live together,in
        self-sufficient communities co-existing with one another,and THEIR reign collaspes.It is probably already too late,
        but what do you have to lose that you haven’t already lost?

        • Dan McGrath November 6, 2009 at 12:00 pm #

          Far out, man.

        • Chill November 8, 2009 at 2:54 pm #

          I am assuming that because you are saying “Your country” that you are not a citizen of America. If you are living here & you seem to think so little of OUR country then what the hell are you doing living here? If you are living in another country then I say “THANK GOD. Sure we have made mistakes but what country has not made mistakes & a lot worse & more cruel & deliberate. I am a PROUD citizen of America & am sick & tired of Obama apoligizing to our enemies. I don’t see any other countries apoligizing to us. I did not see any other countries building back the cities in Europe after WWII either. Your comments show how little you know of the country & our people. If you are a citizen of America then that is sad!

          • Chill November 8, 2009 at 6:17 pm #

            My comment above was to be directed to e. mullinstrutrh.

          • Patty November 25, 2009 at 6:56 pm #

            It’s very brave of you to express your opinions of our country here in our country. Let me ask, were you not allowed to express your thoughts of your country in your own country? Isn’t that why you left… because you weren’t offered the same liberties afforded to you by this, the United States of America? Are you a citizen? I suspect not, because if you were from a different country and did the work to actually become a citizen, that is, learn about our country and commit to our country instead of spewing that venomous nonsense that has just been reiterated over and over, then I suspect you would feel very differently.

            This government is a beautiful, beautiful thing. Another beautiful thing – you can leave whenever you like. Ask North Korea or any other communist country what that feels like.

            God Bless America. God Bless our founding fathers and God Bless the Americans who will think their OWN thoughts, form their OWN opinions and VOTE their OWN vote. Be true to ourselves and the voting process will work as it should. I choose not to swallow the garbage being fed to us by Hollywood actors, musicians and anyone else who thinks their opinion matters more than mine and trust that the voting will reflect my actions.

        • Me November 9, 2009 at 4:16 am #

          I give you props!

        • AnAmerican November 11, 2009 at 9:42 am #

          And where do you live that is so perfect? Fantasy Land?

      • SBenny November 8, 2009 at 10:57 pm #

        We do need a new party, The “Right” Party, and I don’t mean it as right and left. I mean it as Right and not wrong, we the people know what is and isn’t right with this country, however we have decided that it is easier to let someone else take care of it. Sorry Irwin,Beck is just another one that wants the power for himself. We don’t need a leader, we need to get rid of the Electoral College, we need term limits on all positions of government along with shorter terms, we need it to be illegal to accept contributions for the purpose of running for election, we do need health care for all Americans, we do need capitalism to have a chance to work, ( if a company fails it fails and gets absorbed by it’s competition ). These are some of the things we as Americans, as humans, need to survive.

        • Dan McGrath November 9, 2009 at 11:35 am #

          The Electoral College protects less populous states from being run over by a national majority from bigger states.

      • Mike G November 9, 2009 at 1:44 pm #

        Glenn Beck? And to answer your question “I wonder how many of my fellow concerned citizens agree with me?” I hope none.

      • Patty Herrick November 10, 2009 at 1:45 pm #

        That’s a joke, right?

      • Keith November 11, 2009 at 8:48 pm #

        No one needs another leader to blame, leaders got us into this mess. We all need to just start taking responsibility for our lives and communities. For those of you who are interested there is already a movement of 10,000 signers who intend to move to New Hampshire and do anything necessary (except aggressive violence) to achieve liberty for the individual. This is the Free State Project founded by Jason Sorens, but it has no central planning just an administrative body to help people move and coordinate their activism.

      • mickmcl November 16, 2009 at 8:31 pm #

        Glenn Beck is a fear-mongering buffoon! This guy is a Pillsbury doughboy who came from nowhere with no education and made a name for himself by preying on peoples’ fears. This guy will ruin the conservative cause!!!

      • Lars November 22, 2009 at 10:22 pm #

        My vote is for Ed Steele of North Idaho to lead us.

        • IndianaJohn November 30, 2009 at 9:00 pm #

          Lars says: …………

          You’re right on track Lars. I’ve already voted for Ed Steele as a supporter and as a buyer and reader of his book, ‘Defensive Racism’. Then I sent the book along with other travelers.

    • Eleanor Delater November 1, 2009 at 10:18 pm #

      Let’s start having a say in where our tax dollars go. Who gave the president or anyone else the right to do what they will with our money? Join together America. Pray for God to forgive us and to restore us to Himself.

      • RonG November 2, 2009 at 1:08 am #

        Dear Eleanor Delater, You had your say if you voted for McCain. The rest of had our say when we outvoted you and elected Obama, who, incidently has more right say what happenes to our money than any other single person. He’s the President of The United States of America and the rest of us are citizens of The United States of America…even the Republians.

        • Wild Bill November 2, 2009 at 11:49 am #

          Ron, I respect your right to express your opinion as I spent 21 years of my life defending your right to express it. You like most of the rest of the “citizens” who voted for the president evidently believe in the omnipotency of these people charading as leaders. We need to realize in this country that there is but ONE OMNIPOTENT and HE is our source. We are Obama’s (et al) employers and we have more right to say what happens to our money than any “single person” and we need to exercise that right. It would be different if the government had a source of income other than forcing us to provide them with a “bottomless purse”. It matters not who is in the White House, whether Republican or Democrat. No one has the right and should never have the power to do with our money whatever they want. The government can never manage our money better than we can and the government was never formed for that purpose. How do you like “redistributing the wealth”. Have you worked 30 to 40 years and set aside a portion of your earnings that the government has not taken and “squandered” or has not been erroded by the economy tanking? Do you expect to draw Social Security to help you enjoy your retirement years but Nancy (et al) want to give it to those who were not blessed enough to be born here or been happy enough to come here and become citizens? We need to write/e-mail our representatives and remind them they are contracted by us to preserve our rights. Maybe those citizens who have RV’s should take them to DC ,”circle the wagons” and fight until they are brought to task.

          • Barbara November 15, 2009 at 6:51 pm #

            Bill ~ Amen, Amen and Amen.

            If I had a RV I would be with you on that Wagon Train! We all need to stand up and fight this impending “Masacre” that is just hours away. We need to ban together and educate everyone we come in contact with whether we know them or not. Some will thank us, some will laugh at us and others will just walk away in ignorance. No matter, we need to get the word out before it is too late. We do not have much time left.

            If anyone is interested in starting a National/Global effort please let’s ban together. There is power in numbers. We all can do something. Sitting back and doing NOTHING is NOT AN OPTION!!!!!


        • Anti-RonG November 2, 2009 at 11:54 am #

          I suspect if the 2008 election were held between (2) opposing candidates rather than Mr. Liberal McCain & Mr. Socialist Obama, with the advantage of the past 10 months of Obama hindsight, the outcome would have been considerably different. When I went into the voting booth, I DID NOT vote for the candidate to take over private businesses like a third-world dictator – that is the role of the bankrupcy courts; I DID NOT vote for the candidate that asked congress to pay back all his campaign supporters under the mis-worded disguise of a “STIMULUS bill”; and I certainly DID NOT give ANY elected candidate permission to sign a treaty that, in effect, disolves the United States Constitution. Clearly, my elected officials need to be put on a shorter leash, and for me & my fellow Americans to have a greater say in, and greater control over what they do in our nations capital.

          • Anti-RonG2 November 6, 2009 at 12:59 pm #

            To: Wild Bill and Anti-RonG
            WELL SAID!!!!!!!

        • Michelle November 19, 2009 at 11:34 pm #

          No, RonG, Obama works for us—US and he should answer to us as to how our money is spent. We are his boss!! At least that is the way it should go. Humm, something is really wrong with how things have worked out.

        • Ken123 December 3, 2009 at 7:20 am #

          RonG, Our founding Fathers saw fit to limit government by tying their hands with a Constitution. Maintenence of our freedoms and the Constitution falls on every able bodied citizen. Obama, as with any other Presdent is bound by oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution. In Obama’s case, he doesn’t recognize the Constitution and wants it destroyed.

          Will it take a revolution to take our government and individual freedoms back?

    • RonG November 2, 2009 at 12:47 am #

      Dear Venomous Bastard, It is possible that you are correct about the ice age which did not cometh. The big difference between science and fear mongers or corporate lobbyists is; scientists reserve the right to change their minds if they discover an error. Could it also be that the polar ice caps are not melting at a rate unheard of throughout history? Is that the hysteria you mentioned? Or is that part of the tip of an iceburg you mention? It would seem that the implosion of the US is hardly likely because of the cap and trade or the UN global warming program. Much more likely however if some of the American people keep their heads in the sand and ignore the possibility that we MIGHT be able to do SOMETHING advantageous for the future of humanity if we consider starting to take action now. We could of course waste a lot of money if the scientists are wrong…but on the other hand…what if they are right and we do nothing?

      • Kris November 3, 2009 at 11:29 am #

        Well, Ron, if the “scientists” are right and the nations do nothing, then hopefully individuals will have done their part– decreasing waste and consumption, and having respect for the precious earth God gave us. See, this is why so many of us are conservative (I don’t like to associate my political convictions with the Republican party– too much corruption there, too). Our government should not decide for us what is moral, putting our tax dollars towards wasteful (or possibly wasteful) programs that don’t increase our economic stability. I want to be able to decide to what or whom I contribute when I see a need. Choice is fundamental of freedom.

        And, regarding being able to do something for humanity… well really, the first people for whom I have responsibility are my own children and posterity. If I am happy with the choices I have made, and with what I have taught my children, then although the world may be crumbling down around me, I can be at peace. But hopefully, I will still have enough personal choice to make a difference in a way I see fit.

      • eholmes November 4, 2009 at 2:37 pm #

        Dear Ron,
        The US Government is supposed to work for us. The primary job of the President is to command the military. The government as recently as when Roosevelt was President, debated long and hard about how far the United States is allowed to redistribute money. Now it seems many people are for Government involvement in their every day affairs. The people for this do not understand that we have the best government but it is eroding because of the constant passing of laws to limit our liberty for the government to “help us” more. New Jersey had this silly law passed many years ago and the Governor at the time, sat down in a restaurant to help us make a point that the preparation of eggs, dictated by government is rediculous. I moved out because I disagreed with the direction of the state. Too many people think the government is the answer or solution to a problem. The government is the problem according to the Constitution. Read it and understand the Constitution that over 200 years ago warned us to be careful
        what we ask for.

      • Barbara November 15, 2009 at 6:53 pm #

        At least we will have our Freedom!

        • Chrissy November 29, 2009 at 3:59 pm #

          Indeed we do…………………….for now

    • Darrell November 9, 2009 at 5:58 pm #


    • Flash November 10, 2009 at 11:23 am #

      You are sooooooooo right Venom, That is the only way to stop this nonsense. I try to educate my little corner of the world but there are some who could see but won’t. Keep at it Venom…..Flash

    • Ron Say November 18, 2009 at 7:07 pm #

      I say , I would have to agree on many points. It’s funny the things that made the most sense are non party related and everyone agrees until they put a party title on it then the hate begins. Let’s get over it and relieze it’s people in the parties power positions that want that. It give them the control not us.


      ?????????????????? What party do I belong to?????????????????????
      It shouldn’t matter.
      I have kids, I have a good job. I want prosperity? I want my children to have a future.
      If we really want the same thing whats the problem.

  2. david November 1, 2009 at 10:04 am #

    lots of good information, but lets be real the American people are far too fearful, cowardly, and lazey, and unorganized to stand up against these bedwetting bankers, if you now want your freedom back you must now fight, get rid of the fear, because it is realy not that hard for a mass population to take control over the few person who are the governing elite, there is no place for them to hide from a mass of hungry angry population, the only way they can stop a mass population from taking over is to kill them, they will seek to starve billions of people this december. check the WHO codex, control over food. who cares about Democracy (demon-cracy) it’s who you worship? Yahshua, man, or creation itself.

    • RonG November 2, 2009 at 12:24 am #

      David, It sounds as if you would be happier living in South America where the masses regularly rise up and have a revolution. Do you really prefer that over honest people voting fearlessly for real people instead of always voting for political-party-cults? Get real David. Fear is a problem with some of the American public but only those who listen to fear mongers and prophets of doom.

      • John November 3, 2009 at 9:13 am #

        The revolution already happened. It was bloodless but it cost us everything we had gained over the course of 200 years.
        You have enjoyed freedoms your children will never see.

  3. david November 1, 2009 at 11:13 am #

    just remember the IRS was passed without ratification and all us citizens are slaves to those crooks too, if U.S.A had a system of checks we would not have the federalreserve bank in power, it would be the People Right? if we truely want to repent from our sin, stop serving the banks and exicute the judgement written against those men, otherwise to all you God fearing men you sould pray for the judgment of God in 2012, otherwise the heart of man will become hard and reject Gods love p.s. there is not enough food grown to keep the entire population alive for more the thee days. GMO’s will kill off food crops, and population control will happen according to the plan of the elite. and obama’s national emergency on h1n1 gives power for martial law and enforcment will be UN troops. get ready America for tribulation!!!Great tribulation as the Bible says

    • Eleanor Delater November 1, 2009 at 10:14 pm #

      We will fight for America if we have to. We must turn back to God in this Nation. We will vote out our represenatives who do not stand for our Constitution.

    • RonG November 2, 2009 at 12:14 am #

      David, Pardon me but which other world are you living on? I don’t enjoy taxes but if I want a government capable doing what governments are supposed to do, then I, and you, must pay for that service. If not us, who?

  4. Rob N. Hood November 1, 2009 at 12:23 pm #

    david- Why are you against democracy? Isn’t that the only true manner of governing that works and is the best for the people? Granted it is hard to achieve, but very worthwhile fighting for, no? What form of government do you reccomend?

    • Hunter November 1, 2009 at 8:19 pm #


      We are a Republic. I pledge alligence to the flag of the United Staes of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands…

      • Kitty November 4, 2009 at 11:30 am #

        I pledge…for which it stands. One nation, under GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Where are the patriotic men who would lead us according to the constitution? Screw transparency! A lie. Many unnecessary and frivolous items are passed as part of a Bill Americans would approve, but not if they knew what else was “wormed” into the package. Congressmen get ridiculous amounts of funding for “friends” through this sneaky tactic. Change! Yes We Can! What has he changed so far except to dig us into a grave of debt for generations to come. Our debt to China is being repaid through turning over to them foreclosed homes, land, and other properties. Does China now own your home? Hopefully the Climate Change Treaty will not be signed by the necessary UN nations in December. Pray that President Obama doesn’t sign it…phone or email against it to your congressmen and the President Obama. If enough sign, and it gets through the Senate with 2/3 majority vote, we will have lost our way of life and will be governed by the New World Government. Are we going to sleep through this, or wake up and fight for our way of life? We need a “millions man march” to D.C. to let our enslaved Congressmen, the President, his CZARS, and Cabinet know that we are fed up with their “transparency”. Minutemen, where are you when we need you? Will you let a 64 year old grandma join? I would rather die standing, than to be kneeling to Earthly Kings for the rest of my life.

        • Barbara November 15, 2009 at 6:57 pm #

          I am with you Kitty. We need a March on every City in this Country. Not just Washington. We need to storm the offices of all the elected officials and take back what is ours!

      • Linda November 5, 2009 at 8:46 pm #

        Hunter, You are right, We are a Republic, well, we are supposed to be. Alot of people don’t realize the difference. I did’nt know either and always thought we were a democracy but I have been learning the last couple weeks.

    • RonG November 1, 2009 at 11:25 pm #

      Rob N. Hood. Amen, the frightened republicans of the world will eat their own in order to regain control of the houses. There never has and probably never will be a nation like ours in the history of the world;democracy is the only way for people to hope to be in charge of their own future. Christ says no one knows when he will come and there is no way to have a more beneficent government while we wait other than ours…IF WE VOTE.

  5. Ronbo November 1, 2009 at 4:35 pm #

    Attention concerned citizens. We can take steps to fight this tyranny!

    To fight Cap and trade, do as Dan McGrath has consistently repeated–go to and sign the petition.

    To fight the Health care bill, send letters to congress people, call their offices.

    If you want congress to have the same health care options that they are trying to force down our throats, visit
    Fill out name address, etc…click “YES” and submit!!

    Also, Michele Bachmann (MN congress woman –R) has invited all of America to protest in the halls of Congress, next Thursday, November 5th in Washington DC. A strong turnout will support our cause and should have immediate impact (if the press will cover it?)

    And, we’ve got to vote them out in 2010 and 2012!

    • RonG November 2, 2009 at 12:09 am #

      Ronbo, You are either a frightened Republican or a front for the industrial/energy power groups. Yes! I would love to have the same health care program as Congress…what’s your problem with health care? Possibly you are a lobbiest for the health care insurance companies also? The entire message smacks of the party of NO. Right?

      • Ronbo November 2, 2009 at 10:13 am #


        Yes I am frightened–and you should be too.

        I am not a lobbyist. I have written my congress people and signed petitions. I have tried to take action–you probably sit back, wait for government handouts and drink your koolaid.

        This administration is trying to bankrupt our country. Our children, grandchildren and many generations will be saddled with a economy that will collapse if something isn’t done to stop the spending.

        I agree that the current health care system is not perfect–but why change an entire system, run by the government, that 80% plus people are happy with. They are happy to make their own choices of medical care and know that the care will be administered in a timely fashion. Seniors now will have $500 billion taken away from Medicare. There will be long waits–delays that could endanger their lives.

        The government has never run anything efficiently or cost effective (except armed services). Medicare is broke, Medicaid is broke–Amtrak, Postal service, etc. They can’t even get the doses of H1N1 distributed in time for the flu season. The $867 stimulus was a joke–unemployment is close to 10% and probably will remain double digits until 2011. There was very little shovel ready programs–it was mostly social programs with temporary employment. They’ve lost millions of jobs already—-this medical program and cap and trade will lose even more jobs! The cash for clunkers cost about $30,000 for each vehicle. They were even paying for electric golf carts!

        The cap and trade will raise utility bills and energy costs on everything–everything you purchase has some sort of energy to produce it or transport it. If we fully optimize the cap and trade, we will reduce earths temperature by 1/10th of one degree over 100 years. Why, do you ask. It is because China, India and others are moving forward with fossel fules so they can grow and expand their economies–they will not follow us in the carbon emission redsuction.

        I am not one of NO, just NO on this administration.s approach!

        By the way, I was not happy about Bush’s excessive spending and not turning down any bill from his congress, but this spending is bankrupting us and inflation will be rampant.

        • Dan McGrath November 2, 2009 at 10:22 am #

          I disagree that the military is cost-effective. They are effective, yes, but remember $500 toilet seats and $100 hammers! They waste tons of money just like every other arm of government.

          • Ronbo November 2, 2009 at 10:34 am #

            Dan, you’re right of course–but they have protected us very well and have allowed us to keep our freedoms!

          • Gee Man November 8, 2009 at 12:36 am #

            That $500 was including the red tape needed to get it. It probably involved mr than a dozen people… Wha tI disagree with is the ” if you don’t spend it , you wil lose it ” mentality in ALL services… I suggested the US Armed Forces use Craftman tools ( if they break, they are replaced free), one time. Never hraed anything back… ???? wonder why ??? ……. this was over 30 years ago.

  6. Ribbs November 1, 2009 at 6:39 pm #

    Rob n Hood, we all should be against a democracy! Our founding fathers gave us a Republic and warned us against democracy! In a democracy, the people get their rights from the government and most or them you have to pay for with license fees and taxes. In a Republic our rights are given to us by God, The Creator. We have the freedom to do as we choose as long we don’t harm our neighbor. A small government by the people and for the people. True freedom in which the government fears the people and not the tyranny that we have today where the people fear the government!

    • John November 3, 2009 at 9:19 am #

      Ribbs, you’re talking way over their heads, it’s gone Brother, just as our forefathers warned. We did it to ourselves.

  7. John Crosnoe November 2, 2009 at 2:38 am #

    First off, Obama was elected because he is a great Campaigner and Politician, not because he has America’s best interests at heart. His Administration is composed of Socialists, Maoists and the ilk.
    When the founding fathers of America set up our government, they gave the House of Representatives 2 year terms. The Senate 6 year terms and the President 4 year terms. The reasons for this was to make them positions of service, not life time careers. Congress even passed a law that the president could only serve 2 terms. What America needs to do is set terms for Congress. The majority of congress spends its terms passing pork filled laws to get themselves re-elected time and time again. As Congress is the only entity that can spend the American tax dollar, it is Congress that has bankrupted this country. It is Congress that gives Billions of dollars away to foreign nations that hate us and then say they have to tax us more to help our poor.
    Global warming is a farce, proffered by those that will make billions with sweet government contracts, like Al Gore. This planet has been warming and cooling since the beginning of time and mere mortals are fools to think they can remedy something that has been happening eons before and after man has walked on this planet. The pseudo-science that the warmers are using to back their claims has been dis-proven time and time again, however the present administration can make a financial killing and can continue getting re-elected by this fallacy.

  8. allisone November 2, 2009 at 9:50 am #

    those who are pushing this treaty through must surely love that all of us who are against the treaty can’t even stand together without bickering. we must come together as one, put our differences aside and figure out a way to stop this treaty.

    • Kitty November 4, 2009 at 11:40 am #

      Have you phoned your congressmen? the White Housse? even emailed? There is to be a mass of people in the capitol on Thursday November 5 , invited by a congresswoman. I sure wish I could be there. Hope millions show up! But most people are too busy making a living and taking care of home and family to even hear the news or read a paper. They are so sleepy and ignorant! WAKE UP AMERICA!

  9. getreal November 2, 2009 at 12:15 pm #

    Please everyone, vote for independant candidates, even if you don’t like them! The two party system is killing us! And they won’t let us change it, we have to show that it is OK to have a third or fourth choice. Once it is seen to be “acceptable” to be independant, then maybe we can have a fair government made up of the best people for the job, not the best crowd pleasers.

    As for “climate change”, I may live to see the day when a natural occurance causes the earth to cool off, then we will have to mandate burning all the fossil fuels we can before we freeze! Every time we try to fix any large natural system, we break it worse! We can’t possibly understand a system as complex as our entire earth, much less our solar system, no matter how many experts study it!

    If you want clean, go all nuke power and plug in cars. ZERO emissions! Then just implement birth control worldwide, and when the population is low enough, THEN you can start organic farming etc. Better yet, go grow your own garden and eat that, helps the ecology too.

    gotta love soap boxes!

  10. US Citizen November 2, 2009 at 1:53 pm #

    One thing you all keep forgetting is this. We are not a democracy. We are a republic. And a democracy is what is giving us all these insane treaties and bills. It is time to elect people who believe in OUR constitution and now their own greedy needs.

  11. Rob N. Hood November 2, 2009 at 4:55 pm #

    I have nothing to say, I just wanted to be the 600th comment!

    But actually, getreal, you are WAY too reasonable for this site. But I like your post.

    Ribbs- you’re a DREAMER. What you are talking about is not realistic, it’s just fantasy, and not a little crazy. Would there be elections? Or what? Where can I read more about this utopia of yours. Plus, if what the founders wanted was a Republic, then what happened?? Who sold us out with some crazy idea that ALL citizens people should be able to vote who they want to represent them? Please answer this. I’m surprised the “Go Vote guy” Paul W. isn’t screaming at you. Where are you Paul- do you agree with Ribbs?? So silent sometimes Pauly Boy…

  12. getreal November 2, 2009 at 8:25 pm #

    My understanding of a democracy, (obstensibly what we have, but debatable), is that each person votes for what is best for THEMSELVES. Then we will get what is best for all of US, because all of US voted for what WE want. But WE have been taught to look at what is best for everyone else, not just ourselves. So we get what we asked for, BS, (defined as what the two parties are fighting for, ($) and tell the media we should be concerned about. Usually to distract us from what WE want). The best illustration I can think of describing our “representitive government” is the wall st. bailout. 70% of US opposed the bailout, but OUR representitives passed it anyway. This is not a republic, a democracy, or a representative anything. It is a government run amuck! If WE the people declined the bailout and it hurt the economy, so be it. WE chose it!
    The current system WE have allowed is usually refferred to as a Plutocracy, the ruling class knows better what we need than WE do. Frankly, I agree, (given the recent history of WE). I think it is your civic duty to NOT vote unless you understand the issues and the candidates. And then, vote for what you believe is best for YOU, not what your party or news outlet says you should be for.

    Sorry to be so reasonable, I know you need to be a squeaky wheel to be heard.

  13. Lord K November 2, 2009 at 8:41 pm #

    In summation of all your gibberish, not to mention your propensity to insult people who have been polite and courteous to you but who do not share your God inspired righteousness We observe your rhetoric . According to your Left Wing Liberal Progressive Democrat credo we separately our in common commit the capital sin of
    Wrong Thinking – Being Dangerous – and are attracted to the financial Profit
    Now if any one as the audacity to attack your Idol Obama that one is a Racist
    In a letter to the Corinthians John the Evangelist wrote
    God created men of different colors and put them in different places on earth where there are now equal among themselves.
    I do not expect you to understand.

  14. paul wenum November 3, 2009 at 12:21 am #

    “US citizen,” You are correct. It is time to vote for people that believe in the Constitution, not interpretations. For that I must agree.

  15. John November 3, 2009 at 9:48 am #

    This country was founded upon the belief of God our creator. The citizens have now declared there is no “one” God and have ran off in all directions. God has said in his word, “man is not able to direct his own steps” Jeremiah 10.23. We see the outcome of our unbelief. Christians, pray for a return to the one God in this country, we are running out of time. Many all over the world are eagerly waiting for our fall.

  16. Rob N. Hood November 3, 2009 at 10:03 am #

    getreal, I agree with you 100% and I’m glad your here! Wow, a reasonable intelligent person, I’ve been wondering where they all are…

    Sorry but I have to post this:

    First of all, despite the insistence of the Christian right-wing extremists, the U.S. is not a Christian nation. And, in fact, many of our most prominent Founding Fathers were not Christians. They were Deists. They did not believe in a personal god. And they did not believe in the Christian God.

    Some people need to reacquaint himself with the U.S. Constitution, which makes absolutely no mention of God or Christianity.

    It was with good reason that this nation’s founders wrote the “establishment clause” into the First Amendment, which states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”

    It was to protect the minority from tyranny of the majority (which today happens to be Christian). Our founders did not want this nation to sink into theocracy. They knew that theocracy always leads to oppression and loss of freedom.

    Our founders wanted to establish a democracy in which the government serves all the people, not just the Christian ones.

    But some people would apparently have it otherwise, and won’t let the truth get in the way of his fantasy.

    Oh, and by the way, Obama did indeed proclaim his Christian faith during his address to the Muslim world on Thursday. In the seventh paragraph of his speech, Obama said, “I’m a Christian.”

    So next time you might want to actually research the real facts before propagating incorrect extremist talking points.

    Otherwise, you might just come across as an ignorant anti-Muslim bigot.

    • John Crosnoe November 3, 2009 at 5:35 pm #

      Rob, first off, which lie out of a politicians mouth do you believe? Obama is a gifted campaigner, period. He will and has said only what he thinks will get him votes. 20 years in Wright’s church and he never heard him talk bad about the oppressive whites.
      I wonder where you got your statistics as to our founding fathers religious beliefs? I’ve been a student of History for over 60 years and have yet to find such trivia. The founding fathers founded this Republic on Christian ideals. And most of them being of English heritage, wanted a separation of Church and State. That does not change the fact that Christian Principals were not used in the writing of the Constitution.
      The liberals that I talk with accuse me of being a racist because I don’t like Obama’s policies. One even stated I would like to be a slave owner. That brings up another fact of history not taught in schools. The blacks in Africa were captured and made slaves by other blacks. A practice that has been going on for centuries. The white man did not go to Africa and enslave them, they just bought them from black slave-traders. I’m not for enslaving any persons, I’m just tired of hearing how the plight of blacks is all the White man’s fault.

    • NOBAMA November 4, 2009 at 9:35 am #

      Rob Hood
      You obviously need to do some research in our countries founding fathers beliefs.Hardly any of them were not Christians!
      You just need to look at the writings that are made public to all who TAKE THE TIME to read/study them.This country started
      out as a Christian nation,and still is.Obama may say he is a Christian,but guess what?,I think he has lied enough already
      to this country and approved of too many groups/organizations that are clearly not Christian.He is definitely not a practicing
      Christian,and in my book,if you are not practicing,you are not a Christian.Spend some time looking at what the signers of the
      Constitution had to say in some of their writings.All but about 4 of them were Christian.End of discussion.By the way,re-read
      the constitution,you may not find the words God or Christian in them,but you will plainly see that the pay homage to their

    • Republi-CAN December 1, 2009 at 12:58 am #

      WHAT, pray tell, have you been reading? Certainly NOT the Preamble. Certainly NOT the Federalist Papers. But, DEFINITELY not the Constitution (special emphasis on Art. 4, Sec. 4… or just recite the pledge of allegiance for a clue, if you can remember it). Most likely you’re not reading much, but watching too much TV again. Just because you assume you know the minds of the Founders doesn’t make it so. There’s a scientific word for this pathology. The world does not revolve around one’s personal center of gravity, even if it feels too good not to be true.

      Contrary to your version of reality, there are numerous reasons the Founders did NOT want to establish a democracy. I’d enumerate them, but you’re much more likely to retain them through the slightest bit of research on your own.

      By the way, I’m not religious. But I do appreciate the value of god-given rights. This means no man, woman, congressman or senator can technically remove said rights without taking on some supreme being, creator, if you will. That’s the beauty of a republic with limited government. Not so in a democracy where if enough men, women, congressmen, senators (mere humans) vote, they can and will take your rights away from you.

      Lets imagine a country where all the people get together and decide to vote to force everyone over the age of 60 submit to euthanasia (you know, they’re such a drag on the economy these days). In your democracy, all it takes is a simple majority vote. In my republic, it’s a theoretical impossibility. Is it a good idea? I don’t know; it all depends on your age I suppose. Try giving it some thought.

  17. conritwng November 3, 2009 at 10:25 am #

    People…..We do not live in a Democracy…HELLO…..we live in a REPUBLIC… How about reading the Constitution?
    Our government is doing much more than it has the constitutional right to do. WE THE PEOPLE are the answer.

  18. Shadey Angel November 3, 2009 at 12:05 pm #

    I have been reading and scrolling and reading and it all sounds the same to me. Defending your right, blah, blah, God is all knowing, blah, blah, we should rise up, so on and on…I’m just waiting for someone to actually admit, like me, that no matter what the color of their skin or gender, we still live on the piece of parchment that says all men are created equal and yet it is still stolen land. Yea, I’m a hypocrite and will continue being so as long as I live on this “American” soil. Go ancestors and their so-called ‘righteous’ ways.

  19. Rob N. Hood November 3, 2009 at 5:18 pm #

    The Founders knew how difficult it is not only to do what’s right, but first to decide what’s right. That’s why they divided power among three branches, and between two chambers, and between the federal government and the states. It’s why they protected the press with the First Amendment, so that an independent Fourth Estate could act as a check against official truth. It’s why they kept religion out of government, and government out of religion, so that fundamentalism couldn’t tell legislators what laws to write, and so that the state couldn’t tell people what to believe. And it’s why Jefferson and Franklin were champions of public education and public libraries: ignorance is the enemy of freedom.

  20. Listening... November 4, 2009 at 5:57 am #

    It’s interesting to read the comments so far, here and on various websites. Good on those beginning to wake up and get upset about things. We’ve been asleep far too long.

    As a boy back in the early 60s my father taught me about a coming world leader who would be so powerful he would totally rule the world.

    Initially he would be the super-politician, charismatic, attractive in every way, yet after gaining power he would be recognised as totally evil underneath.
    He would be part of a global government who would so manipulate events and the truth that most people would actually support it and blindly do what it wanted, including persecuting those who disagreed.

    He would, with the help of an emerging spiritual leader, the Answer to every misguided religion’s search, set up a one world ecumenical religion that tolerates almost anything except true Christianity.

    The lack of peace in Israel would be such a huge worldwide issue that the whole world would applaud when this leader confirms a 7 year peace treaty with them.
    Around that time, either before or after this treaty a massive Russian and Persian attack on Israel gets supernaturally stopped and Israel is divinely protected.

    The world leader would force everyone take a mark in their right hand or forehead, enabling only the bearers to buy or sell.
    He eventually beheads those who refuse it.

    My Dad was a student of the Bible, which he claimed consistently lays out History in advance to validate its claims. It took me a few decades to realise he was right though.

    Voting only works in a real democracy. Too late for that. We used to have a democracy in New Zealand as well.
    They’re prepared for the coming awareness and resistance with martial law ready to go in USA. Educate yourself on the empty FEMA mass prison camps quietly waiting all over the country.

    Time to lay down our pride and ignorance, and pray to the one true God. The God of the Bible.
    He laughs at their little plans and power trips. Get on His side and watch Him trump the best they can do when He returns at the end of the 7 year treaty, to evict the world government and take over.

    • G.M. November 5, 2009 at 12:21 am #

      Sorry Folks… Been reading all the comments… Listening has hit the nail on the head. Frankly… Its all out of our control. There’s only “One” in control here, and until we figure that out… we are in BIG Trouble. Whats going to happen is going to happen! you had just better be prepared for the concequences.

  21. Bob November 4, 2009 at 3:20 pm #

    All of this talk seems to miss the point of the proposed Copenhagen Treaty. First, if Obama signs it, it needs the approval of his croons in the Senate to ratify it. This is the “government” that all are blaming for our problems. Secondly, this treaty if ratified is the forerunner of George Orwel’s 1984.

    Unfortunately our Constitution does not provide a recall vote. How do we stop this train wreck from happening? Going to the Congress is like talking to the proverbial three monkeys who: “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil”.

    • Les November 7, 2009 at 7:20 pm #

      Click here: YouTube – Fall Of The Republic – The Presidency Of Barack H Obama – The Full Movie HQ. Want to know where all this is headed? This 2:24 movie on You Tube says it all.


      • Dee November 11, 2009 at 10:52 am #

        I have just spent 50+ minutes watching the youtube video which Les recommended. I highly recommend this, it really is much more of a documentary and commentary by people who have a handle on what is going on and how it is business as usual as those in power continue to manipulate the nation/world. This would be a terrific educational tool for those on your email lists who still believe it is the DEMs against the Republicans…..the reality is they are all controlled by the same people. Pass the video on….

  22. Jack November 4, 2009 at 7:44 pm #

    If all of us do not feel the sense of urgency at this black moment we will fall and crumble. My heart aches for this country and I pray that we can pull ahead and govern ourselves and stop letting the goverment run us. This is simply awful the way we have let Obama bamboozle us and lie,lie,lie and lie. Whats worse is alot of people believe what he says. Whether you beleive it or not it is ALL because we have let these kind of people, the few, tell us we can’t have GOD in our schools and everywhere else. I personally don’t how to fight this kind of fight. If it was physical, I’m there, but its not so we need someone that can inform the people and be really intelligent and understand how to break this tirrany apart and get us back on the right track. Its not going to be one person, but a large group to jap slap these kind of people down to where they won’t want to stand back up for a very long time. GOD is the only way and we need to stand up NOW or never speak of him again because their not going to let you. Lets get our rears in gear. GOD BLESS this NATION. Let us stop being selfish and do for GOD instead of wanting GOD to always do for us. WAKE UP AMERICA or become one nation under a pagan.

  23. GMc November 5, 2009 at 1:06 am #

    There was a time when a person in the United States who saw corruption and unethical conduct knew that their government would jail lawbreakers or strip them of power. This was before the generations who were raised under the idea that their individual benefit was of paramount importance and that both their neighbor and country were supposed to supply what they desired. Start first with children that cannot be disciplined at the risk of Social Services defining such action as “child abuse” and then move through a school system hobbled by the idea their charges are to be mollycoddled. End with the premise that woefully unprepared “adults” are now focused on themselves because they are trained to be that way. You see it every day; road rage, outbursts, and emotional collapses when an individual doesn’t “have it their way”. There are few people who learn discipline and thereby patience as they grow into adulthood and, in point of fact, most learn that self-indulgence is “good”. There’s now three generations of employed voters and only one considers the fate of their fellows as the fate of the country. One nation? When few are prepared to sacrifice and most only wish to be beneficiaries of that other person’s actions, you have nothing but anarchy. The state of the world and of this country are simply expressions of the people who think Greed Is Good and gather power while everyone is else is centered on their own small concerns. You cannot untrain the generations brought up under these ideals and then barraged by electronic marketing that reinforces them constantly. We allowed this to happen and would should not complain when Congress or the President take advantage of what they have been provided. We hopefully will be left with “the burned hand teaches best” and after being scorched, move to a place where ethics are lauded, power means accountability, and the interests of the country as dictated by high moral character are considered before Greed.

  24. echoessubmarine November 5, 2009 at 2:25 pm #

    your story (Listening..) reminds me of George Orwell.. your father was a wise man.. I had this weird feeling about Obama from the start of his campaign.. Bush was ‘simple; easy to see through’.. Obama is a snake; you can read it in his eyes/ expression.. indeed, someone like him fits perfectly as the super-politician that your Dad was talking about.. You’re blessed that you’re based in NZ.. been there; it’s magic.. thanks for your inspiring words.. Helena

  25. Ronbo November 5, 2009 at 5:57 pm #

    If you think Obama cares for us or our country, p;ease read the following:

    This was written by Sherry Hackett, Buddy Hackett’s widow……..


    President Obama:

    Today I read of your administrations’ plan to re-define September 11 as a National Service Day. Sir, it’s time we had a talk………

    During your campaign, Americans watched as you made mockery of our tradition of standing and crossing your heart when the Pledge of Allegiance was spoken. You, out of four people on the stage, were the only one not honoring our tradition.

    YES, “We noticed.”

    During one of your many speeches, Americans heard you say that you intended to visit all 57 states.
    We all know that Islam, not America has 57 states.

    YES, “We noticed.”

    When President Bush leaned over at Ground Zero and gently placed a flower on the memorial, while you nonchalantly tossed your flower onto the pile without leaning over.

    YES, “We noticed.”

    Every time you apologized to other countries for America ‘s position on an issue we have wondered why you don’t share our pride in this great country. When you have heard foreign leaders berate our country and our beliefs, you have not defended us. In fact, you insulted the British Crown beyond belief.

    YES, “We noticed.”

    When your pastor of 20 years, “God-damned America ” and said that 9/11 was ” America ‘s chickens coming home to roost” and you denied having heard recriminations of that nature, we wondered how that could be. You later disassociated yourself from that church and Pastor Wright because it was politically expedient to do so.

    YES, “We noticed.”

    When you announced that you would transform America , we wondered why. With all her faults, America is the greatest country on earth. Sir, KEEP THIS IN MIND, “if not for America and the people who built her, you wouldn’t be sitting in the White House now.” Prior to your election to the highest office in this Country, you were a senator from Illinois and from what we can glean from the records available, not a very remarkable one.

    YES, “We noticed.”

    All through your campaign and even now, you have surrounded yourself with individuals who are basically unqualified for the positions for which you appointed them. Worse than that, the majority of them are people who, like you, bear no special allegiance, respect, or affection for this country and her traditions.

    YES, “We noticed.”

    You are 9 months into your term and every morning millions of Americans wake up to a new horror heaped on us by you. You seek to saddle working Americans with a health care/insurance reform package that, along with cap and trade, will bankrupt this nation.

    YES, “We noticed.”

    We seek, by protesting, to let our representatives know that we are not in favor of these crippling expenditures and we are labeled “un-American”,”racist”, “mob”. We wonder how we are supposed to let you know how frustrated we are. You have attempted to make our protests seem isolated and insignificant. Until your appointment, Americans had the right to speak out.

    YES, “We noticed.”

    On September 11, 2001 there were no Republicans or Democrats, only Americans. And we all grieved together and helped each other in whatever way we could. The attack on 9/11 was carried out because we are Americans.

    And YES, “We noticed.”

    There were many of us who prayed that as a black president you could help unite this nation. In six months you have done more to destroy this nation than the attack on 9/11. You have failed us.

    YES, “We noticed.”

    September 11 is a day of remembrance for all Americans. You propose to make 9/11 a “National Service Day”. While we know that you don’t share our reverence for 9/11, we pray that history will report your proposal as what it is…a disgrace.

    YES, “We noticed.”

    You have made a mockery of our Constitution and the office that you hold. You have embarrassed and slighted us in foreign visits and policy.

    YES, “We noticed..”

    We have noticed all these things. We will deal with you. When Americans come together again, it will be to remove you from office.

    Take notice.

    • echoessubmarine November 5, 2009 at 7:12 pm #

      I particularly enjoyed this quote, Ronbo

      ‘All through your campaign and even now, you have surrounded yourself with individuals who are basically unqualified for the positions for which you appointed them. Worse than that, the majority of them are people who, like you, bear no special allegiance, respect, or affection for this country and her traditions.’

      Unquote.. Obama’s team indeed meets the definition per Parkinson’s Law, with a gloriously striking coefficient of inefficiency ;))

    • Chill November 8, 2009 at 3:02 pm #

      I also recently had that e-mail come to me. Every bit of it is so true. I just wish it would get to Obama but it probably will not. Its what most people are thinking anyway. He is so arrogant & stupid to think that we don’t know what he is doing. Take away his teleprompter & it shows what kind of an idiot he is.

  26. Lee Don November 6, 2009 at 11:38 pm #

    Mr. President,
    In the words of one of your appointees, Van Johnson, who called Repubs an unbridled name, You via deception, outright deceit. intentional lies, and your performance as a puppet to the Fed Reserve boys, you have made the jewel of the Nation, D.C., into the bunghole of the Nation, assisted of course by lunatic socialist partners, and most of the 435 elected persons who inhabit that moral vacuity.
    You, it appears, will succed in destroying this once great nation, over time. But remember, there is Hell to pay. And whether you or anyone else believes it, that changes nothing; you will pay! If you believe the earth is flat, that changes nothing; it is still round. You WILL pay with punishment. You will discover the meaning of wrath. { Note: this is not an opinion. It has been published for two thousand years}.
    One other thing to remember. I am not your condemner, nor your judge. The condemnation is ALREADY done. Judgment is coming; believe it or not.

  27. paul wenum November 10, 2009 at 1:33 am #

    I must say, it is an interesting world we live in. As I’ve always told my children. If we all agreed, we would all look at ourselves and nod in agreement. Discourse is good. Good, bad or indifferent.

  28. Dan Capp November 10, 2009 at 9:57 am #

    Lot’s of interesting comments posted.

    To find out what’s really wrong with the
    good old US of A, all you need to do,
    is look in the mirror.

    You might not like what you see.

  29. paul wenum November 10, 2009 at 11:57 pm #


    I agree. We all have faults. That said, we all have thoughts/opinions. Both sides should always be heard, right or wrong. Think about it.

  30. Dee November 11, 2009 at 11:06 am #

    The exchange of wealth is already going on and has been for years by wall street and the SEC. I personally experienced this when the SEC after investigating a financial manager for many years finally decided it had better make good on all that time and expense and took over this small financial company “for the protection of the investor” due to some bad investment decisions and the decline in real estate assets which resulted in a loss of approx. 20% to 30%. Well as one of those investors whose assets are being liquidated by the SEC…..I can tell you that after the SEC attorneys and the banks get paid there will be nothing left for the investors… much for “protecting the investor”. We would have all be much better off working to correct the internal problems ourselves which we attempted to do in the form of a lawsuit challenging the SEC’s take over. Sad to say, it had no effect on the situation so many people have lost the majority of their retirement. The average age of the investor was over 70 yrs old.

  31. paul wenum November 14, 2009 at 1:39 am #

    Not knowing the circumstances, no comment.

  32. Baldy November 14, 2009 at 7:42 am #

    Lots of interesting thoughts from a lot of different people. Here’s another, Lets vote all of the congress out of office, wether they are Democrats or Republicans. A new face in every office. Then we have a chance of getting term limits. It would also send a message that the paties over.

  33. Paul Wenum November 15, 2009 at 10:40 pm #

    Baldy, Who are you going to replace them with if you vote everyone out? Are you running? It comes down to finding he/she that is in the race for a seat that YOU are willing to back/support that has your core beliefs. If they do not believe as you, don’t vote for them. If they do, support them. If they let you down after elected, Yes, I agree, Vote them out!!! In the meantime, keep pressure on your representatives as hard as you can via e-mail, calls, letters etc. Failure is not an option!!!! I simply say “Just Vote in 2010”!!!! Always remember Bush won by 537 votes! Your vote does count!!!

  34. AK47 November 16, 2009 at 7:21 pm #

    Welcome to the NEW WORLD ORDER once you lose it you will not get it back

  35. franko35758 November 16, 2009 at 7:32 pm #

    we are desperatly in need of a qualified leader that won’t drop us. I nominate Gen. Swartzhoph.
    please help Gen.!

    • Dan McGrath November 17, 2009 at 12:47 pm #

      You mean Stormin’ Norman? Why? He knew how to kick Iraq’s butt back in the 90’s, but what are his other qualifications and why would you look to him for leadership on climate issues?

  36. Shauna November 19, 2009 at 1:04 am #

    According to information released by Obama on Nov 17th. He will not be signing this treaty.

    • Dan McGrath November 19, 2009 at 5:43 pm #

      Because nobody will – they have backed off the treaty and are kicking it further down the road, to when they hope not so many people will be paying attention Obama said he wants to implement the plan right away, treaty or no, however.

  37. Seattlechris November 20, 2009 at 4:13 pm #

    I wanted to make a short brief comment on climate change. Something that a lot of people don’t know but that I have researched. Global warming is also caused by the suns solar output. When the solar maximum hits then we experience higher global temperatures then normal. If you look back at the years where the solar output was higher then you will see that that year had hotter temperatures. The sun also leaves its footprint on the earth when it starts to cool back down too. Saying that human beings are the main cause of global warming is very hard to believe. There are so many factors that attribute to the worlds climate; Solar condition, Polar conditions, Cattle, people, pollution, etc. It is a problem with many solutions. We can’t get rid of the sun though (although I am sure that politicians would try if it could help them with extending there agenda). We are in a beautiful harmony with everything around us and when that harmony is knocked off balance just slightly we all feel it. We depend on so many things that we never think of just to be alive and breathing on this planet. We depend on the seasons, the seasons depend on the spinning of the earth and the tilt of it’s axis, the tides depend on the moon, the moon depends on the earth, the earth depends on the moon, the earth depends on other planets to keep in orbit around the sun, the earth depends on the sun, the solar system depends on the galaxy, and the galaxy depends on the universe. If any one of these because unbalanced then we will feel it down here. There could be a supernova explosion a 1000 light years away and it could destroy the life on this earth (very unlikely but possible)! I am sure that whatever wipes out mankind will not be from your cars; emissions, garbage, plastics, fossil fuels, and so on. Humans are very adaptable and we have faced possible extinction in the past and came through that. There was a period around 11,000 years ago during the last ice age where our approximate population on this planet was over 6 million people (give or take a million) and we bottle necked back down to a couple thousand and were relocated to N. Africa ( From where we started our journey in the first place). We made it through an ice age we can make it through all this stuff! Now if a 2012 scenario comes along and our earths magnetic field is destabilized then who knows, if any, how many people will survive that one? I guess my point is to stay positive and live your life one day at a time. Enjoy your life! Do things that make you feel good and help others around you. I do believe that it is very likely that we don’t have much time left on this planet at all for whatever the reason. Thanks all and I hope that you have a great Thanksgiving!

  38. GOB November 22, 2009 at 2:45 am #

    Don’t forget that very soon after the Copengahen treaty is signed all of you will be silenced as there will be no internet available.

    • The One November 23, 2009 at 8:36 pm #

      That’s alright….we are very resourceful! Also very ornery!!!

  39. richard stephens November 23, 2009 at 3:24 am #

    dont take our freedom from us

  40. The One November 23, 2009 at 8:34 pm #

    I feel my signature on the petition will fall on “blind eyes”,but I did it regardless.
    I want all to remember 1 thing if anything else.As many we are strong.As a few we are vulnerable.I will fight for my freedom.My forefathers managed the fortitude,as will I.Am I afraid?A little sure….no,a lot actually.But I have to do what is necessary to protect what they created for all of us!Our Constitution has been ripped to shreds for a while now,and we need to find all of the pieces,and paste them back together.Then we need to get people in who care about us…the regular people…not the well- to -do few who buy whatever policies they want.
    All has to be done 1 step at a time.So let’s get this treaty nonsense terminated and take our country back!What do you all say?

    • Dee Rossow November 28, 2009 at 10:09 am #

      We need to Think of more/other ways to stop this madness and do it.

  41. F.P. Lee November 24, 2009 at 7:12 am #

    God help us all !!!
    God save America for nothing else can !!!

    • Dee Rossow November 28, 2009 at 10:10 am #

      No, no one but our soverign GOD can change this.

  42. Cari November 24, 2009 at 11:26 pm #

    he destroyed our country. Wake up America, he CAN’T even show us a US birth certificate. How on this earth did he even get to run for election? Sorry, he is a communinst and he cares nothing about OUR USA. Why would you even vote for such a person? Let’s get him and his party OUT ASAP before we don’t even have freedom of speech. Put God back in our school system and “IF YOU HAVE A PROPLEM WITH OUR USA. THEN GO BACK TO WHERE EVER IT IS YOU CAME FROM AN TAKE OBAMA WITH YOU>>>>>>>>>>>GOD BLESS AMERICA……….

  43. BoomerDad November 25, 2009 at 2:20 pm #

    Where are all the global warming alarmists along with Algore and his peace prize after all the emails that have recently been found revealing the conspiracy (I use that term as this is a REAL one) to mislead by many of the “scientists’ that have been spewing this bilge. Remember, they only get the grants to fund their studies (pay themselves along the way) if they can scare the hell out of us all. Algore is even worse in that he is on the boards and invested in the companies that will be selling the extortion permits that will allow a business to stay alive and emit a little CO2 along the way. He will go from millionaire to billionaire. If you only listen or read mainstream press, you probably have not even heard. Just go to utube and watch the Dr Ball interview. This should wind up with people in jail. They are no different than Enron. Wake up America!

    • Dan McGrath November 26, 2009 at 5:33 am #

      I’d say well said, but it was a bit hard to follow. I did get it, though, and I’ll say instead, good point!

  44. Cindy Karnes November 25, 2009 at 2:57 pm #

    If anyone wants to put Satan with any of them it should be with Obama,Bidden and Pelosi. I say they need to start an Impeachment. America is going down fast. This generation shoud stop it and stop it now. Obama is not a man that can be a President and we better start praying about it, and calling our congressmen, senators or whoever we can. Wake up America before it is to late.Take more pride in our great nation. Let America be what it used to be, Land of the free. If we don’t then you can bet that there will be no more going to church ,reading the bible or anything to do with christianity.

    • Dan McGrath November 26, 2009 at 5:31 am #

      Don’t worry. Token vestiges of Christianity will remain, under state supervision, naturally.

  45. Dee Rossow November 28, 2009 at 9:07 am #

    As I read through all these comments I have some ‘disjointed’ thoughts. Yes, Jesus is coming back (once for His bride and once as King of Kings), we CAN NOT take the mark of the Beast, Yes, Americans kicked our God out of America little by little, yes, we will be in a global government, yes, Obama is a pupet for the Illuminati (and one above them), yes, Americans are blindsided by this Obama person because they don’t believe America can fall. I can hardly believe how people reacted when warned before Presidental election, they got really angry if you told them truth. All of us who write elected officials are being put on a HIT list that will be dealt with later by the government, but we who know truth can not just sit back and let it happen. Yet…the Tea Parties, the Town Hall meetings, calls and emails are laughed at by government. I say FIGHT anyway. Maybe this is the persecution of Christians the Bible talks about. We are up to the task if we join together and pray, fast and ask the God of our fathers to forgive this country, and FIGHT this government takeover. WE ARE AMERICANS! and we don’t lay down and just ‘take it’. Obama is a Muslim…I heard it out of his own mouth. Anybody read “How to catch a wild pig”? It is about taking a country down from the inside out…that is happening right now by Obama administration. Wake up America before the gate slams shut. OH, has anyone heard about the gov. site to “Rat on your neighbor”?

  46. jay carlson November 29, 2009 at 10:00 am #

    The world’s climate patterns are changing. Mankind’s activities such as the wholesale destruction of forests are a contributing cause. Indisputable. The debate can only be about the degree to which human activity influences the change, and about the effects of the change on the world’s population in the decades to come. It is not beyond mankind’s combined scientific ability to make the necessary observations and calculations and arrive at the truth. After truth will come solutions. This is a global problem not an American problem, but America should be in the forefront of the search for solutions. Unfortunately, American partisan hysterical claims from the far right and the far left have an increasing impact on what should be a dispassionate investigation based on fact, and at its most ridiculous, emerges as the far right stating that climate change is a myth, and the far left stating that climate change will destroy the Earth in the near future. It is such a pity that a country which for so many decades has led the world in innovative scientific thought should descend to a state where partisan political stupidity and boorishness have become its hallmarks.

    • Dan McGrath November 29, 2009 at 2:52 pm #

      So sad. Denial is a powerful psychological force.

  47. 32rockie November 30, 2009 at 1:09 am #

    Democracy is a Government Of The People, By The People, and For the Benefit Of The People. In case you havent noticed we have fallen into the Degeneration of Government as a Republic. A Republic which is what we have become. A Republic is a Government Of The Representatives Of The People, By The Representatives Of The People, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE REPRESENTATIVES AND THEIR COLLEAGUES. Unless we get off our dead asses and make ourselves heard we will lose to these tyrants. Stop worshiping the Democrates, the Republicans and the Liberals and anything in between and start honoring and working towards and let our voices be heard for the return of THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDANCE and demand we go back to the grass roots of what our country stands for. In fact bring back the lost or I might say very well hidden 13th Amendment which would make it illegan for 90% of those freaks (attorneys) who run the government now.

    • Dan McGrath November 30, 2009 at 2:10 am #

      Guh. Don’t schools teach civics anymore?

    • Brad Blosser April 30, 2010 at 9:41 pm #

      Just to enlighten you for you appear mighty ignorant of the facts.
      Um we are not a Democracy degenerated into a republic. We are and always have been since July 4, 1776 a Constitutional Republic of the people for the people and by the people.
      America is not now, nor ever has been a Democracy.

  48. Carlos Ramos November 30, 2009 at 10:59 pm #


  49. ROBERT JAMES Sr. December 1, 2009 at 1:10 pm #


  50. Carol Arment December 1, 2009 at 1:57 pm #

    It’s a pity that most Americans haven’t the slightest idea that this is going on and if you told them, their eyes would glaze over in boredom and skepticism. These are the people who have taken their God-given right to freedom for granted and most of them probably voted for The Anointed One and still believe his rhetoric and have no idea what he and his inner circle have in store for us. We will lose our freedom and our sovereignty because of their trust in this evil man, who has another 3 years to defile the White House and further ruin our lives.

    • Anna Johanson December 4, 2009 at 11:22 pm #

      Ditto to what Carol Arment says. America should be awakened to what is happening with this present administration which is taking our freedoms away from us.

      • Janet December 8, 2009 at 8:47 am #

        And double ditto! People I try to wake up even gently get angry. From my research, I understand this is what happens to brainwashing victims. Very scary.

    • Karl December 15, 2009 at 4:49 am #

      You believe in a conspiracy against the people of the USA? You believe that secret people are planning to take over? Whow that is frightening
      ….How can you sleep at night? Do you think that they are allians? Are they green and rather small? Will they eat us? What is their goal you think?
      Strange people you are…

      • Dan McGrath December 15, 2009 at 10:03 am #

        As long as the United States is free and prosperous, all the socialist nations of the world hav to explain to their people why they are not as prosperous and free as the US. Productive people desire freedom and success that they can find in the US, which is why so many immigrate here. Our existence as it now is is a threat to the failing socialist orders around the world. Aliens? No. Europeans, perhaps. The great lie of socialism is that it lifts people up out of poverty. In truth, it only lowers everyone else. Knock the US down, steal our wealth and freedom and the rest of the socialist nations don’t look so bad anymore.

      • joann December 30, 2009 at 11:56 am #

        It’s like i’ve been saying. Those that voted and or defend, obama, knows that he is a socialist/communist (don’t know the difference. I guess we got what we dexerved. How many didn’t go out to vote against him?. This country is going down the tubes, FAST. Well we only have 3 more years of this. Thanks be to GOD.

        • Dan McGrath December 30, 2009 at 1:25 pm #

          It only took the Nazis three years to completely transform Austria into a totalitarian socialist state. Three years is long enough to do a lot of damage. Congressional elections next year could put a stop to it, though.

      • ROD January 11, 2010 at 12:13 pm #

        Karl, where do you live? If its in the USA i would have to say you are also drinking the O coolaid. The your posting shows a very misinformed, unread individual. Someone who wants to belittle people who see things differently than you do. You really need to get a life and look at the facts first and than debate someone who may show what type of intellect you truly are.

      • Jess March 4, 2010 at 3:34 pm #

        That’s ignorant. You can’t even spell. Until you can at least do that, you have no business being so caustic about something that might eventually be something we really have to worry about. People like you are ridiculous.

        • Jess March 4, 2010 at 3:36 pm #

          I meant that towards Karl, I was so upset about his little comment I forgot to mention that.

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