Obama to rename tallest U.S. peak in historic Alaska visit

Anchorage, Alaska (CNN)
To hear the White House describe Alaska, the state has become the canary in the climate change coal mine, complete with raging wildfires, accelerating ice melt in the arctic, vanishing glaciers and whole villages forced to relocate away from rising seas.

President Barack Obama will carry that urgent message to Alaska this week in the hopes his long journey away from his busy agenda in Washington will begin to change the national conversation on global warming.

His first step while he’s there: officially renaming the country’s tallest mountain from Mt. McKinley to Denali, an historic nod to the region’s native population, which the White House says is under threat from the already-present threat of climate change.

“This is all real. This is happening to our fellow Americans right now,” Obama said in his weekly address Saturday.

Read the rest of the article here.

2 Responses to Obama to rename tallest U.S. peak in historic Alaska visit

  1. Warren Charles Dexter September 1, 2015 at 5:13 pm #

    Is it really impossible to prove that this tax grab is a Scam? Are we really without any tools of logic to dispute CO2 doublespeak?
    Is it possible to identify the smoking gun that shows where global governments have colluded to increase revenues from “polluters” and “warmists” while demonstrating that climate change is not within human control?
    I find the battle of “facts” boring and wasteful. If there is Collusion, it must be supported by evidence. This fraud cannot be kept secret forever, and we should not have to wait forever to prove the effort is real and highly organized.

    • George December 24, 2015 at 11:25 pm #

      It’s rather difficult to prove collusion in this aspect Warren . It’s rather difficult for them being totally embarrassed all together, for being such dupes and duping the public for so long , and now “glossing” over the facts , as to how dumb they really are . However there was and is tremendous amounts of money in this ongoing scam . Unfortunately there may be some collusion in the courts and Supreme Court on this issue from the lawsuits already taking place against the fear mongering scammers . The media mostly was in “collusion” with this profound fraudulent scam , it sold a lot of paper , did’nt it. They did’nt print the other side of the story though, that had superior “truths” and evidence .

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