What You May Not Know About CFLs

There’s a lot most people don’t know about compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). The advertising message tells people that CFLs are “green” solutions that will help save the planet, and a few bucks on household electric bills. It’s also a common belief that the bulbs last five years between replacements. This notion probably stems from […]

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Arctic Ice Refuses to Melt as Ordered

There’s Something Rotten North of Denmark  By Steven Goddard Just a few weeks ago, predictions of Arctic ice collapse were buzzing all over the internet. Some scientists were predicting that the “North Pole may be ice-free for first time this summer”. Others predicted that the entire “polar ice cap would disappear this summer”. The Arctic […]

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Waiter, There's a Fly in my Agitprop

To the dismay of green-oriented psychologists, seeing and hearing a lone skeptic for as little as 45 seconds in a “balanced” news story on global warming is enough to erode viewers’ confidence in the anthropogenic global warming theory. The solution? No more dissenting views. They are far too powerful, evidently. Hence, the common phrases “global […]

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Act Now on Energy

  Act Now on Energy – New ad from Minnesota Majority (runtime 1 minute)   With energy prices spiraling out of control, and Congress thus-far failing to take any corrective action on problems their policies brought about in the first place, many organizations are stepping up the pressure on lawmakers and the president to deal […]

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Blowing Hot Air Up Our Shorts

By Paul Driessen  T. Boone Pickens is being lionized for his “socially responsible” efforts to legislate national “clean” wind and solar energy mandates. We’re “the Saudi Arabia of wind,” he argues. We need to “overcome our addiction to foreign oil,” by harnessing that wind to replace natural gas in electricity generation, and using that gas […]

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In Science, Ignorance is not Bliss

by Walter Cunningham NASA has played a key role in one of the greatest periods of scientific progress in history. It is uniquely positioned to collect the most comprehensive data on our biosphere. For example, recently generated NASA data enabled scientists to finally understand the Gulf Stream warming mechanism and its effect on European weather. […]

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Global Warming – Myth, Threat or Opportunity

By Walter Starck The most critical problem we now confront is not global warming or how to tax emissions, but providing enough affordable fuel to avoid severe recession before alternative energy can become reality. The Lucky Country faces a choice between disaster and a unique opportunity. Oil supply Over the past two years climate all […]

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An Update on the Science of Global Warming and its Implications

Opening Statement of Senator James Inhofe Senate Environment and Public Works Full Committee An Update on the Science of Global Warming and its Implications Madame Chairman, I am very disappointed to see that this Committee is once again beginning its deliberations on global warming in the wrong manner.  Rather than focusing on substantive issues that […]

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Challenging the basis of Kyoto Protocol

Russian Scientists Deny Kyoto Protocol Reflects a Consensus View of the World Scientific Community by Vladimir Radyuhin As western nations step up pressure on India and China to curb the emission of greenhouse gases, Russian scientists reject the very idea that carbon dioxide may be responsible for global warming. Russian critics of the Kyoto Protocol, […]

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Renewable Portfolio Standards: Another Hidden Tax

by Paul Chesser Renewable portfolio standards that have passed in several states (and promoted by many other state climate commissions) are nothing more than another hidden energy tax (like cap-and-trade). That is no better illustrated than in a Raleigh News & Observer article today, which explains how Progress Energy is about to go to battle […]

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Global Warming as Mass Neurosis

By Bret Stephens Last week marked the 20th anniversary of the mass hysteria phenomenon known as global warming. Much of the science has since been discredited. Now it’s time for political scientists, theologians and psychiatrists to weigh in. What, discredited? Thousands of scientists insist otherwise, none more noisily than NASA’s Jim Hansen, who first banged […]

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Chicken Little and the North Pole Icecap

by Christopher C. Horner Late last week, the Drudge Report amplified a “shock claim” that “for the first time in human history, ice is on course to disappear entirely from the North Pole this year”. Drudge linked to the claims originally trumpeted by the UK’s fading left-wing rag The Independent. Just for context, that is […]

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LETTER: Local Scientist Skeptical of Global Warming

By Jon Hartzler Ph.D. and retired science professor, Hutchinson Global warming is a hot topic. The liberal politicians and news media stir our emotions and try to make us panic. Al Gore won an Emmy for “An Inconvenient Truth.” It’s like a piranha feeding frenzy! In the June 10 Leader, Glenn Gruenhagen challenged the global warming […]

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End Dependence on OPEC

By Michele Bachmann  In just one year, Americans have seen gas prices double. With food costs also soaring – in part due to rising gas prices – it has been difficult for many families to make ends meet. Combine that with estimates of $5 dollar-a-gallon gas this summer and it seems like times will get […]

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A project of Minnesota Majority, hosted and maintained by Minnesotans for Global Warming.