No Treaty? No Problem! Obama to Push Ahead Anyway

Obama’s plans for Copenhagen accord may violate US Constitution

obama-200President Obama’s plan for an international cap-and-trade agreement negotiated at the upcoming Copenhagen climate conference to go into “immediate effect” may violate the United States Constitution, claim representatives of the No Cap-and-Trade Coalition.

Quoted in a Reuters news story today, Obama said, “Our aim is not a partial accord or a political declaration but rather an accord that covers all of the issues in the negotiations and one that has immediate operational effect.”

“Today President Obama exhibited the arrogance commonly associated with dictators and tyrants,” said Jeff Davis, organizer of “It’s hard to believe that a former constitutional law professor could forget that treaties require Senate ratification.”

President Obama made the remarks amid heavy criticism from Europe about the lack of progress in the U.S. toward cap-and-trade legislation and the expected failure of the imminent Copenhagen negotiations.

But such “immediate operational effect” is impossible, said Davis.

“Article II of the Constitution requires that treaties are approved by two-thirds of the Senate, so President Obama can’t just sign-up the U.S. and then start enforcing treaty provisions,” observed Davis. “Additionally, the cap-and-trade bill now in the Senate isn’t anywhere close to having the 60 votes necessary to avoid filibuster ─ trying to get 67 votes for a climate treaty looks pretty unlikely right now,” Davis added.

President Obama might have been thinking of using the EPA to regulate carbon when he made his statement. The EPA has proposed to designate carbon dioxide as a hazard to the public welfare and to regulate it under the Clean Air Act.

“If President Obama signed an agreement in Copenhagen and then tried to implement it through the EPA and Clean Air Act,” observed’s Steve Milloy, the President would immediately be at war with Congress, including almost a two dozen Democratic Senators who are concerned about the harm cap-and-trade would do to the economy.”

The German magazine Der Spiegel criticized President Obama this week, asserting he’d been “lying to” and “betraying” Europe in failing to advance cap-and-trade in the U.S.

“President Obama is Europe’s last hope for ensnaring and crippling the U.S. with cap-and-trade,” said Milloy. “His desperate statement today indicates he’s feeling that pressure.”

28 Responses to No Treaty? No Problem! Obama to Push Ahead Anyway

  1. CC26 November 17, 2009 at 11:01 pm #

    Isn’t it quite inconvenient that the American people can’t be forced into something. American people are coming to their sense after the hysteria from last year and seeing Obama’s policies for what they are. Cap and trade will devastate the American economy. We will lose jobs and see energy prices go through the roof. Write your Senators and make sure they never have the votes.

  2. paul wenum November 18, 2009 at 1:11 am #

    CC26 whomever you are. America I hope is coming to their senses. I hope, that is. It remains to be seen.

  3. Cubanshamoo November 18, 2009 at 6:26 am #

    I feel very sorry for USA, but you got a new Hugo Chávez at the White House and he will do whatever necessary to eliminate fredom of press and then all kind of liberties in USA. It is sad to see your nation destroying 220 years of common sense. Communism started the same way in Cuba 50 years ago. Now go and see what is left of the Cuban nature.

  4. Neil F. AGWD/BSD November 18, 2009 at 7:56 am #

    This is good news. But now is no time for complacentcy. We have to keep the pressure up. Keep calling and writing your Representatives and Senators. Even if you think they would vote against this nonsense, it can’t hurt to reinforce their position. And especially the ones you think are going to vote to pass it. They have to be pounded on what a great mistake it would be to vote yes for this mess.

  5. Lee November 18, 2009 at 9:48 am #

    The powers to be are still lurking about. Stay vigilant!!!

  6. Chad Prigmore November 18, 2009 at 11:10 pm #

    It seems like the only hope in maintaining any constitutional validity rests with the people. The government, and especially Obama – no longer have an interest in the principles of a constitutional republic. The founding fathers fought against tyranny less malevolent than what we are dealing with.

  7. Rob N. Hood November 19, 2009 at 5:38 pm #

    You people are nuts. All the executive powers Obama enjoys at present, were created under Bush. Why do you conveniently forget that? Blinded by bias. And enjoy this bit o’ reality too:

    CONSERVATIVES ARE BORROWING FROM THE PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT. The NYT article quotes FreedomWorks staff saying that they are making close study of Saul Alinsky and other community organizers. Like progressives, the other side is increasing conservative candidate development (NY-23 and in GOP primaries all over the country), and improving their grassroots advocacy skills (like the impression made at August town halls).

    THE CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT CONTINUES TO BE BETTER FUNDED. FreedomWorks, just one of many groups, easily raised $7 million from donors in 2008, including single gifts of $1 million and $750,000. The Leadership Institute, the premier training center for the right, sustains an $8 million dollar annual budget–at least twice the budget of any of comparable groups (like Wellstone Action) on the progressive side. Americans for Prosperity, another key conservative economic group has 73 staff people nationally and in 20 states.

    • Dan McGrath November 19, 2009 at 5:42 pm #

      Liberals outspend conservatives by 2-1 or better.

    • Neil F. AGWD/BSD November 20, 2009 at 7:26 am #

      Good! Fight fire with fire. What do you expect? Oh, that’s right we’re just supposed to lay down, give up, and shut up. Sorry to disappoint.
      If you did’nt want this you should’nt have gone down that road yourselves.

  8. paul wenum November 19, 2009 at 11:36 pm #

    Robby Boy, I thought you never heard of Alinsky ??? My God, what a fake you are. Sorry Dan.

  9. Neil F. AGWD/BSD November 21, 2009 at 12:23 am #

    I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy

    • We Are Change USA November 21, 2009 at 5:49 am #

      The hopes and dreams instilled by Obama followed by his immediate reversal of policy has caused an enormous awakening of the American people. We are now aware that the ILLUSION of the Left/Right, Conservative/Liberal paradigm is in fact that, an illusion, used to seperate the people (Divide and Conquer). We have fallen into this trap of petty bickering, Forgetting about the true topics at hand, which I see continued on this forum….Media mind control at its best! WAKE UP AMERICA! WAKE UP SOVERIEGN NATIONS OF THE WORLD! We must not allow our differences in ideology to seperate us as primarily planned. If we do not step back and look at the BIG PICTURE we will all be grouped together under a One World Tyranny! Please understand we are all together in this.

      • Neil F. AGWD/BSD November 22, 2009 at 11:48 pm #

        So what should we compromise on? There are stark differences between the two main parties that are not illusions. How do you suppose those differences materialized? Was it planned? By who? I don’t think so. Take abortion for example. Possibly the most polarizing issue ever. Are you trying to tell me that some international cabal has planned that argument?
        I have made BSD part of my moniker because of this kind of BS. If you ask me, and you basically are by posting it, the people who are trying to do what you say reside on the Left in this country. They are for it by their support for Obama. The Conservatives are the ones fighting against it, while the Left is following in lockstep over the cliff with it. We are not all together on this. Nor should we be. There will always be a difference of philosiphy and opinion. Right now it is the Left who are leading us down that road because they think it’s going to save the planet and lead to peace and love and we’ll all hold hands and sing cum bya! They’re dreaming! They’re the ones that need to wake up.

  10. donna brock November 21, 2009 at 11:13 am #

    I cannot stand this President and this just proves why. I have always said that this guy had his own agenda from the beginning and all the people who voted for him because of change are now realizing that his changes are not what America needs. He is the absolute worst President we’ve had since Nixon in my generation. On top of the huge fact that he is not and never was an American citizen and should NEVER have been voted in to office. America needs to open their eyes to this person we call our President, he is going to destroy everything America has been about.

  11. Hal Groar November 22, 2009 at 11:41 am #

    I think Barry studied the constitution to find ways around the separation of power’s. Will he be successful? I don’t know. It does make me nervous that the EPA has deemed CO2 a regulatory gas. I hope there are whistle blowers there that will keep them on the straight and narrow. A guy can hope can’t he?

  12. Beata November 25, 2009 at 4:05 pm #

    Hope? I`m from Poland, we just won NO VACCINATION in reverse of agreement for this treaty. Wake up America!

    • Dan McGrath November 26, 2009 at 5:30 am #

      I love Poland. You guys get it. My Grandma is Polish, making me about 25% Polish myself. Maybe that’s where I got my common sense.

  13. Jill Dawson November 25, 2009 at 5:23 pm #


    • Dan McGrath November 26, 2009 at 5:27 am #

      I understand your anger and passion, but please, in the future, here and elsewhere, refrain from using ALL CAPS. It’s very annoying to read and easily ignored.

  14. paul wenum November 26, 2009 at 12:33 am #

    My God, based upon what I just read, I can hardly wait until 2010. By the way, I don’t hate anyone. I just have a difference of opinion with different parties views, votes ,opinions that are, in my opinion, totally against what America stands for in these trying times. We are more inclined to argue who won the dance contest rather than who is the best qualified candidate to run for President! Remember to VOTE come next November! If you don’t, don’t grouse here! If you do vote make certain that he/she is vetted by you as well as others. Not just another “BOHICA.” (Bend Over Here It Comes Again) candidate!

  15. Rob N. Hood November 27, 2009 at 2:08 am #

    We Are Change – you get it, the rest of these people don’t. I have posted my disappointment and worse with the “Liberals” as well as the Fascist Right. The differece is as you say a true illusion. (yes there are some, but not enough to make any real difference, and used mainly to keep us lemmings voting for one or the other).

    Until more people “get it” we re doomed for more of the same, no matter who is in office. The true believers of either party are the ones who have swallowed the most kool-aid. E.g.: even after 8 years of one of the worst, ever, they can’t wait to vote another one in. Insane, or as Neil sounds… crazy is as crazy does.

  16. paul wenum November 29, 2009 at 1:01 am #

    Rob, for once we agree. I would strongly suggest that before the next election and going forward that the candidates whomever they are, be given time to state their opinions without a biased moderator, time to speak and finish their thought not cut short, on all the networks at the same time, no commercials just questions, answers not being “canned” from their parties platform! I’m sick of it. I’ve watched every candidate from both sides since Eisenhower, Stevenson, etc. and my God how times have changed in the media which I firmly believe has changed America for the worst causing qualified people that should be running for office to back off saying to themselves lif’s to short to go through hell. Are Democrats better than Republicans? No. Are Republuicans better? Not always. Forget the party line, VOTE principles and hope and pray people WAKE UP!!!. Enough said.

  17. Terrence Deagle November 29, 2009 at 2:55 am #

    Again, this is just another “Money Grab” only it’s a bigger scheme than just Goldman Sachs ripping off the American people. Now, it’s a global ponzi scheme to shake us all down for more money until we’re all out in the street. In other words, we won’t have to wait until the final crash of the economy to be all destitute and homeless. The Climate Czars will see to it. What childish talk about all of these Czars, my God, this is America and we don’t need Czars over here.
    John Adams, in a letter to Thomas Jefferson in 1787. “I see in the near future a crisis approaching. It unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country … the Money Power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. We are close to the breaking point.

  18. Rob N. Hood November 29, 2009 at 9:41 am #

    You see Paul people like us really do have some commonalities. However, it appears that your “side” is much less interested in compromising in a real world way to make it work. You just want it your way, or no way. That is not helpful or possible, except for in a dictatorship or totalitarianism.

    And you need to start understanding that it isn’t just about the GOP and DFL. It’s about the SYSTEM and how we fund our elections (Big money and corporate power/influence). We can have a more true democracy, if we demand it. We need to work together on that. The moneyed two party corporate-backed system is killing this country. You know it and I know it. So let’s change it, for real, somehow. What if that meant not voting at all, as a way of peaceful protest? Or vote for an alterante candidate. After voting Dem my whole life I am ready to do that. Obama is just Bush’s third term, more or less. So for all you wing-nuts out there who liked Bush (cringe), you really should like Obama too (and Clinton, for that matter). But you actually believe there is much of a difference. Foolish people.

  19. paul wenum November 30, 2009 at 1:06 am #

    Remember one thing, the President is one person period. It is the House and Senate that dictates everything. The average American, 7 out of 10 don’t know their representatives let alone who is the VP of the USA!. You vote for an alternate candidate? Vote for Oprah! I’m not kidding! She’s known by more voters than Bush, Clinton and Obama. Now that is one of our problems!!! Dumbing down of America!!!

  20. Rob N. Hood December 1, 2009 at 10:21 am #

    Yes, but Bush II and Cheney made our Presidency into very a powerful entity during his eight long years, unfortunately. And sadly Obama hasn’t rescinded any of that ill-gotten power, and probably he never will. It’s hard to go back from some things, until EVERYTHING falls apart that is.

  21. paul wenum December 2, 2009 at 12:18 am #

    Rob, Get off the Bush BS. That’s old news. Think out of the box I say. Things fall apart if “You let it.” I’m a half cup full guy, not half empty. Get with reality, face it head on and deal with it! Enough said. By the way, I live by “Failure is not an option.” By the way, I will quit this “Robby Boy” from now on. It has been bothering me. That was the Old Scot coming out of me.

  22. Rob N. Hood December 5, 2009 at 2:51 pm #

    How can I when they JUST recently finished 8 years of unprecedented powers? IT’S VALID !!!!!!!!!!!! And Paul you are to most half-cup empty person on this site. So much for self delusion. AND- I probably criticize Obama just as much or more than you jokers. Why do I waste my time…. I really wonder.

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