By Juliet Eilperin Sen. John D. Rockefeller (D-WVa.) will introduce legislation Thursday to impose a two-year moratorium on the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to regulate greenhouse gases from power plants and other stationary emitters, a move that could undermine the Obama administration’s plan to pursue a cap on carbon emissions in the face of congressional […]
Archive | March, 2010
EDITORIAL: Global Warming Winners
By Dan McGrath on March 5, 2010 in ClimateGate, Corruption, Junk Science, Media Bias, Scaremongering
There are big profits in climate hysteria By Washington Times The greatest scandal connected to global warming is not exaggeration, fraud or destruction of data to conceal the weakness of the argument. It is those who are personally profiting from promoting this fantasy at the expense of the rest of us. Al Gore is the […]
Al's Latest Global-Warming Whopper
By Alan Reynolds Al Gore’s defense of global-warming hysteria in Sunday’s New York Times has many flaws, but I’ll focus on just one whopper — where the “Inconvenient Truth” man states the opposite of scientific fact.Gore wrote, “The heavy snowfalls this month have been used as fodder for ridicule by those who argue that global […]